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How to discuss my [21F] financial situation with my boyfriend [20M]

Before I start, I want to say I do not mean this as a humble brag in any way.

Due to inheritance and a trust fund, I will be a (multi) millionaire. I currently get an admittedly ridiculously high allowance (I spend 50% of it and chuck the rest into savings). My parents' thinking is so that I can handle myself if any immediately dire situations unfold as they live across the world and are very old.

My parents have always taught me, and Ive learned from experience, to keep my finances hidden from people. I have dealt with a lot of people using me for financial gain, or flat out hating me just because of it, so Ive learned to just lie and state a slightly above average financial situation.

His family is not poor in the slightest but well, he's a broke student. They pay for his rent and some of his food, but other than that tuition and anything is all covered by his own loans and savings.

We have dated for a year but been best friends for a year prior to that. I have never intentionally lied to him about anything else about my life (ie. Ive lied in the sense of saying that I "will go to the shops" and I forget to, so does he). But he absolutely hates liars.

The other day he casually asked again how much I got given a month as allowance as part of a conversation. He questioned me when the number I gave wasnt the same number as I had given previously, and I panicked and said I mustve been talking about how much I SPENT instead. That made me really uncomfortable because I hate lying to him, but Ive never actually thought about when and how I was going to break it to him.

He knows Im wealthier than him and he knows just how successful my parents are (He found out a month after we started dating and has been fine with it). He is accepting of the fact Im a lot wealthier than him and has never been upset if I treat him out to dinner and stuff, so I don't think the macho aspect of if it is an issue.

It's just the lying.

Im so worried. My heart is telling me to spill the beans now but my brain is terrified that things will go sour. I hate lying to him.

Any suggestions on how to do this in a sensitive way?

Tl;dr: I am a lot wealthier than my bf and have hidden it from him as I have from everyone, but I realise I need to admit to the lie at some point.

Submitted March 31, 2019 at 04:40PM by tortillawrap
How to discuss my [21F] financial situation with my boyfriend [20M] How to discuss my [21F] financial situation with my boyfriend [20M] Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on April 01, 2019 Rating: 5

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