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My boyfriend (19m) just admitted to cheating on our first exam in college. I think this is bad enough to be a dealbreaker or am I (19f) just thinking out of anger?

So my boyfriend and I totally lucked out this year and got the hardest professor for one of our classes. He's notoriously difficult in grading and gives out some of the hardest exams. He also has this strict curving policy where he only curves tests to the highest score. This is absolutely ridiculous since despite the median/mode/avg being super low, as long as a student get's 100%, none of us get a curve.

My boyfriend is very very smart. He's one of those naturally smart people that doesn't need to study for anything and still does well. He said he wasn't worried about the class at all this year. Last week, we took our first big exam and god fucking damn was it hard. I actually cried afterwards. So yesterday, we got back our first exam after listening to our professor drone on about his disappointment in the scores. I got a big, fat 65%. Most people actually did worse than me. From what I've gathered, the average score is probably in the low 60s with the mode being 50%. My boyfriend got a 97% and his friend got a perfect 100%. Of course I'm happy for him and to be honest, I wasn't surprised either. Many other students were really upset since he and his friend did ruin the curve.

Now get this. This morning, I made my bf go over the exam with me while I took notes on my mistakes. Then he casually just said, "Did you know that Donaldson keeps all of his exams in a folder in his google drive?" I was like "no??? wtf?" and he spilled the fucking beans. He told me that he and his friend hacked his google account and copied the folder with the entire semester's worth of exams over. He offered to share the folder with me. I was so shook that I don't think I spoke for a whole minute. As calmly as I could, I told him that that was incredibly wrong and I asked him if he knew the consequences of what he just did. He said yes. Then I started crying even though I was more angry than hurt but to think that the third highest score was like a 72% and I could've gotten much better if my boyfriend hadn't fucking cheated made me so upset. The professor gives out four exams per semester and we have basically zero other summative assessments so everything depends on test scores and now I'm starting the semester off with a D.

I told my boyfriend I had to go and I left the library. I'm seriously considering breaking up with him over this. He's never done anything like this before and I've never had to question any of his moral choices but I'm seriously just want to dump him. I am very very very pissed off.

Can someone give me an unbiased opinion/advice on this situation? Thank you.

tl;DR: Boyfriend of 1.5 years cheated on the first big exam of our sophomore year and ruined everyone's grades. I'm considering ending it. I don't know if this is just my anger speaking though. I'd appreciate some unbiased advice

Submitted September 01, 2018 at 11:01PM by throw_away_932
My boyfriend (19m) just admitted to cheating on our first exam in college. I think this is bad enough to be a dealbreaker or am I (19f) just thinking out of anger? My boyfriend (19m) just admitted to cheating on our first exam in college. I think this is bad enough to be a dealbreaker or am I (19f) just thinking out of anger? Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on September 02, 2018 Rating: 5

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