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Breakdown: A Married Man breakdown of a breakdown of being a married man

Here. The idiot put a NSFW tag, so archive fucks the archive up

There is generally two types of comments attached to a post like this. Either calling him a piece of shit, or offering engineering advice on how to tune up the wife until she's purring like a kitten. Add a little self reflection-lite, where people say they ain't gonna touch women totally because they don't want this to happen to them and ya got yourselves a very useless lesson learned on all accounts.

First off, if you're shaming OP for being an asshole, do you know who we are?

Aparently we are a rape, divorce, and incel factory of van renters. If you can't vent and say some mean shit here, where the fuck else can we? Most of the problems with toxic masculinity™ today are a man with few to options to vent, and too many options to be backed into a corner. Don't be part of the problem, OP knows it's a socially unacceptable set of feelings opinions, and desires. Just because you want to appease your ego by telling him what a good person you are, doesn't mean anyone has to put up with it. I've seen a lot of the names disappeared, kudos to the modteam.

Something to think about, this guy has literally no where else to go with this. Let that sink in. A woman has medical help family, social circles, oprah... you name it. He has a bunch of dudes who will tell him to man up, and then internet randoms.

something to think about

For those telling him how to fix a broken body, you're missing the point.

When you read his post, does it sound like her body is why he is falling out, or is it the post-hoc rationalization? Maybe it's because I've read the same story 300 times already over at MRP it stands out to me. He didn't fall out of love because her body fell out, he fell out of love because she was an insufferable cunt. Now, for some nuance, and I really want to articulate this. It's not his fault, fault is what children and women wonder about. It's not his fault, but it is his responsability. I remember hearing that as a brand new MS in the RCN, at the time I took it to mean I was going to get shit on a lot more (and I was). but since then I get it. People will fuck up, it's on you to fix it, because you are invested in the outcome.

Not his fault, but his responsability

What does he want, what do you want?

Thats the big question. We all know how she treated her 20s is reflected on how she looks in her 30s. I don't buy the 'she had kids, accept she will always look like the dude in robocop who got hit by the car dude'. I see plenty of women who keep it together after many kids. not 20-and-single-tight, but fuckable enough with some mood lighting. The question is, why does she not feel the need to? Why did he put up with that? Those are the questions you should look at OP's post with. OP is too busy feeling sorry for himself to ask them for himself, this is where we failed him.

The cycle is fairly well known Grab the highest quality man you can find (at that time), get yours, then slowly start to get more entitled, treat him like shit, then move onto something else once there's a better option. It's their MO, cant fault them for acting like they act. Forgive them Brodin, for they know not what they do. OP says he's in shape, but I guarantee he has no game, and hasn't practiced in years. He build up a covert contract, a horrible thing we do, where we assume that by doing [x] the other person will step up and to [y], just because we have a logical path in our head. Then they don't and we get frustrated. You can't build up a mental pile of shit then hand it off for the other person to deal with, especially chicks. They would rather nuke it all than put up with a whiney dude talking shit.

Know which chicks stay in shape? generally, it's ones who know if they don't their man will get some strange, or get the fuck out. OP, I guarantee, believes he will never leave, and subcommunicates it accordingly... that is why she gives no fucks, theres no concequences to doing otherwise. Yeah, it sucks for the kids, I've been one of those divorce kids. They can read rollo, and dad can work on them once they are old enough to realize mom isn't helping them. If I can get over my chip on my shoulder over my stepdad as a promise keeper then I guarantee you don't have an excuse. You're the only one who will ever wipe your ass, time to start looking out for that guy, because he won't be around forever.

And what does he want? If he had a goal, he could work towards it. If the wife's bullshit is unworkable, he would be in great shape, learn some game, and either get a side piece or a divorce, along with all the planning, resources, and acceptance of loss that come with it. If he wanted to fix his relationship (PROTIP:Not your job, and you couldn't anyways) he would build himself into him 2.0, a man with options, abundance, and value... Then notice a lot of people in his life either wither away, or start acting right.

but he's not doing either. He's Robert Paulson, asking if he can cry now. the reason you percieve the whole tone of his post as whining and impotant is because it is.

There's a reason people say LTR's are game on hard mode, it's because you aren't running a sprint, and you can't LARP, you should have internalized your game by now, and it comes naturally. She's running on autopilot, and if you're used to game in 8 hour bursts, once a week, you're going to burn out.

For someone in OP's situation, the best roadmap,


  1. You ain't shit, and thats OK

  2. you shouldn't be making big decisions, build some value that others want, then let THAT man decide

  3. The problem may be you're a whiney bitch, it may be because she's a useless cunt. Only way to know for sure is to assume the former at first. Once you're sure it's not the former, then you know what you have to do

  4. If you don't know what you want, don't be surprised if you can't work towards a desired end state

At this point, I've linked an entire sidebar of crap. there's a reason you shouldn't cry about shitty women. as a man, you know, their fault, your responsibility. If piece of shit women are acting a piece of shit to you, it's because you've let them, and failed in holding a frame. Deal with that, and you'll start to see a lot of bullshit go away.

Submitted September 02, 2018 at 05:56AM by Rian_Stone
Breakdown: A Married Man breakdown of a breakdown of being a married man Breakdown: A Married Man breakdown of a breakdown of being a married man Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on September 02, 2018 Rating: 5

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