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Three Important Differences Between the Sexes You May Not Be Aware Of

[Reposted after removing links, as per forum rules]

Everyone knows that men are more logical than women, but the sexes also differ in a number of other ways. These differences are becoming more obvious each passing day with the increasing feminization of our culture. Here are three other important but less well known differences between the sexes that evolutionary psychologists have discovered.

Men like rules. Research has shown that the games boys play to have significantly more rules than the games girls play. Boys play games like baseball or dungeons and dragons that are governed by complex rules and sometimes even require a third party referee. When there is a disagreement, boys argue over who is correct on the basis of the agreed upon rules. In contrast, girls tend to play games with minimal rules like jump rope and simply abandon a game when there is conflict. To girls, preserving relationships is more important than abiding by rules. Men’s natural affinity towards rules carries into their adult life. Institutions founded by men like the military, courts, or Church are all governed by elaborate sets of rules. Women have never built any comparable institutions.

Men are more group oriented. Any playground will have boys engaging in group activities like basketball or soccer involving tens of participants while girls sit chatting in groups of two or three. Even the sports that girls play tend to be solitary activities such as running, swimming or gymnastics. In the wilderness men formed gangs, which over time consolidated into towns, kingdoms and ultimately nation states. Men have been able organize this way in part because of their willingness to abide by rules, which allow the interests of the group to supersede personal interests. Women do not appear to be able to form large complex groups.

Men are more meritocratic. Through interviews, researchers find male school children judge their male peers by the peers’ expertise. One boy may be respected for his skill in sports, while another may be respected for his knowledge of cars. On the other hand, girls judge other girls simply by how nice they are. Men judge other men by whether they would be good teammates, while women seek out other women who may be willing to provide emotional support. Throughout history men have been judged by their achievements and are thus forced to earn their status, while women are largely born into their status as a member of particular family. The thought of status being tied to achievement, rather than identity, is much more natural to men.

These three differences between the sexes suggest that a feminized society is one that is less meritocratic, less rule based, and has a weaker group identity. The clearest example of this is the continued cry for open borders, which is the idea that everyone has the right to immigrate to the West. This highly empathetic gesture reflects a complete disregard of immigration law, national cohesion, and national interest. Such a policy would help the third world poor at the expense of our own people, who would have more job competition and pay higher taxes to support the increased demand for social programs. Furthermore, it would make our nation weaker because the immigrants in question tend to be the lowest skilled people.

When men ruled the world they spent their time fighting and ruling over other groups of men. That is how the Chinese, Romans, Mayans or any other group of men operated. Only a century ago the European powers carved up the world and fought each other in two World Wars. The transition from a world of warring tribes to one where open borders is a legitimate policy goal clearly shows how women have changed our civilization.

The problem is that women have never in all of history built a successful nation. Their primary role has always been motherhood, a role well suited to their empathetic nature.

I’ve spent a lot of time thinking about what the differences between men and women are, and how these differences are impacting our civilization. I’ve surveyed the scientific literature and compiled my findings into a book titled Awake: The Return of Men. I’m looking for some feedback on my book and would happily give a free kindle review copy to anyone interested in reading it. Just send me a PM.

Submitted July 28, 2018 at 05:28AM by jkingauthor
Three Important Differences Between the Sexes You May Not Be Aware Of Three Important Differences Between the Sexes You May Not Be Aware Of Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on July 28, 2018 Rating: 5

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