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I'm (29f) due to start a new job in the next couple of weeks and am having extreme anxiety after the company mandatory training really turning me off. (Dancing, singing, group activities, matching bandanas)

Long story short, I moved to a new city this year. After I got settled for a few weeks, I began hunting for a job. The job specialty I work in is hard to find a good company who treats their clients right, and this one seemed like a stand-up good group and I was excited to get hired on.

I knew from the beginning the facility was not open yet, but it was March and it would be open in a month. No problem! Well, here we are at the end of July and it's going to open next month. The original opening date was originally in February but I didn't know these people until March so I wasn't worried about them being a month behind.

Everything about this company says if I was a client, I would expect to be happy and treated well. Being an employee is where I'm getting a little nervous.

Besides the fact every month it was "We're expecting to open next month! Almost there!" we have also had mandatory training with HR, which was to be expected, but this was a little blown out of proportion in my opinion. My job is $12-$13/hr (depending on skill) plus benefits so it's not a super high end corporate job or anything but we do care for the elderly. The training was done in full uniform, which in my case is dress pants and a scrub top, and it was to sit in a conference room of a very high end restaurant. The nine executives flew in from all over the country, gave speeches, presentations, everything was fully catered.

Day one. I've only met a few of these people a few times and here we are at 8:30 in the morning getting in to groups for the dreaded activities. One group had to come up with a rap about a core value, one had to recite a poem they came up with together, another had to write and sing a country song, and of course my group of 12 had to do a dance about "communication". I have never felt more turned off or humiliated. Some execs were recording it to be used for "marketing", people clapping along to this crap we had to come up with in 20 minutes, barely awake with people I had just met. Day two wasn't much better. We wore paper chefs hats for two hours when they went over culinary.

I'm aware it's stupid to feel that way, but I'm going in to a job that I want to succeed in, that I pride myself in (going to nursing school because I pride myself in taking care of the elderly), only to feel as though it's all a joke. It's not super high paying and I'm willing to do that because it's what I love.

Everything has been about talking nice, playing by the rules, everyone is one TEAM. I just hate it. The last place I was at, yes we were a team but it was like a chaotic family, you know? It was crazy but we did it together and got it done for our clients. We may have had to change the rules a bit to accommodate them or do what was necessary at the time. It could be miserable at times and that was okay. We stuck it out together.

I don't feel that here. I feel like it's stiff and I'm taking marching orders. It will be done this way or you don't belong here. Say a bad word and you get written up. It's not the real world. I think when I write it all down, it's stupid. Why do I feel this way when a company like this who has structure and a line of authority would be a dream for a lot of people?

Stupid things like sending out reminder texts with those personalized bitmoji characters just turn me off. Wearing matching bandanas so you match your "team" the first week to get acquainted (team ladybug, team butterfly, team bumblebee) I feel like a child to these people and it makes me feel stupid. Am I over thinking it?

TL;DR Good job with strange training and ways of doing things makes me feel stupid. Possibly over thinking it but need guidance.

Submitted July 30, 2018 at 12:35AM by Throwaway37762gh
I'm (29f) due to start a new job in the next couple of weeks and am having extreme anxiety after the company mandatory training really turning me off. (Dancing, singing, group activities, matching bandanas) I'm (29f) due to start a new job in the next couple of weeks and am having extreme anxiety after the company mandatory training really turning me off. (Dancing, singing, group activities, matching bandanas) Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on July 30, 2018 Rating: 5

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