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Should I kick him out? Should we try and make it work? Both leave? Advice please???

Me (21f) and my (21m) bf have been together for 6 years. We have lived two for a year with his family and now have lived almost a year in our own place. See the thing is I do all the work. I am the only one working, I do all the cleaning, and cooking and I take care of our two cats. He really wants to be a streamer and I have supported that for a year and have worked to support us both while he lives off government benefits until it runs out. But even after many many talks about him helping our around the house, meeting my emotional needs and to communicate better nothing has changed. Even today he asked me many times what he could do to help me because I was cleaning. Every time I said the cat littler and he still hasn’t done it. I’m over 12 hours and we asking many times. And most of the time he doesn’t even ask me what he can do to help. He just knew I was being distance and his friends are busy so he wants to hangout now. He spends all day every day on the computer and when he wants to hangout with me I have to just be ready and do what he wants. And I have talked to him so many times about this and nothing has changed. Not to mention the fighting and gaslighting he does to me. But anyways he should know by now that if he doesn’t change we are going to break up since I have told him that but he keeps saying no you’re mine I will change, you aren’t going anywhere. I will be better. I’ll make you wish you never said you wanted to leave but nothing changes ever. So I am starting to think maybe we should break up? Or maybe at least he should move out. But I can’t afford the apartment alone and I’m scared shitless to kick him out or break up. I would need to find a room mate or move in with someone. I can’t go back to my parents. He can do back to his parents but they don’t get good wifi out there and I worry it may affect his streaming career which would make me feel worse. I truly love him with all my heart and this is so hard for me to think about but I’m so tired of being hurt. So what do I do? My lease isn’t up for a few more months?

Do I wait a few months and just suck it up? Maybe tell him we should both move back else where for now? Save money? That’s is a big problem in the relationship as well. Do I break up with him? Kick him out? Leave as well!? Or find a roommate? I’m at a loss rn and scared to death for what is gonna happen. He won’t be happy we are breaking up but I don’t know how he really truly act

TL;DR: should I kick my bf out or break up with him? Or wait till my lease is up? My bf doesn’t help out at all and it’s effecting me mentally

Submitted September 30, 2021 at 06:58PM by riverbrookspics
Should I kick him out? Should we try and make it work? Both leave? Advice please??? Should I kick him out? Should we try and make it work? Both leave? Advice please??? Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on October 01, 2021 Rating: 5

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