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Sudden Loss of Feelings

Hello, sorry if this is long but I don’t know what do to. My BF (34m) and I (30f) have been together for about 7 years.

We moved in together about a year or so ago. Everything has been good, we don’t fight and we got a big enough place that we get a lot of space. We even have our own rooms. We’ve had a good relationship, we’ve always talked any of our issues out like adults and moved at a pace we were both comfortable with. I had been pushing for us to move in together after year 3 though, it took some convincing.

The issue is that I have suddenly woken up and just do not want to be here anymore. We haven’t had any fights, he’s been just as sweet as always, but I just don’t want to be around him. It’s like I see my future and I don’t want it to be with him. I want to go out on my own again.

I can’t even describe it completely. I don’t want to touch him, I don’t want to talk to him. But I’m wondering if it could just be depression? I’ve suffered with it all my life (I take medication) and although other than these feelings I think I feel normal, this just seems really sudden to me.

We don’t have a conventional relationship, we do our own thing half the time. I pushed really hard for us to live together. We share all of our friends and obviously living together our lives are intertwined. I would be throwing so much away by leaving and worry I’d regret it. But I also feel this is unfair to him that I am feeling this way.

Has anyone had this happen? I feel like a caged animal, like there is this anxious feeling that makes me want to bolt. The adrenaline I feel has me literally running everyday. How long do I stay and see if this is just a phase? Should I tell him? I don’t want to hurt him.

Tl;dr sudden loss of feelings for bf of 7 years that I live with, not sure how to proceed

Submitted October 29, 2021 at 12:01PM by throwaway000012233
Sudden Loss of Feelings Sudden Loss of Feelings Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on October 30, 2021 Rating: 5

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