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After 2 1/2 years of dating, I (35f) recently got engaged to, what I thought, the man(40) of my dreams. I feel like I’ve been baited and switched on.

To quickly summarize: We got engaged in September and every since, I feel like my World has been shattered. A month after we got engaged, I had a serious of very difficult ‘life’ events happen. We both got sick with Covid. A week later, my very loved, 25lb Maine Coon was taken by coyotes.As a childless woman, my grief level over losing ‘my boy’ was completely unexpected and overwhelming. During this same time, I learned that my parents (57) were separating after 20 years of marriage. I am experiencing severe depression When the shock of everything cleared and the grief set in, I became clinically depressed for the first time in my life. I’ve been in bed for 2 weeks. Zero appetite, muscle pain and tension, apathy, anxiety, weight loss, detachment-just misery. I am a very successful business owner and have a physically demanding position. I work extremely hard but this has completely knocked me down. That being said, I am very concerned about how my fiancé has handled this and how he has treated me during this. Very little empathy, compassion or support. It’s almost like he’s disappointed that I’m not able to ‘perform’. He’s made several hateful comments that ‘all I do is lay in bed all day’ and has made me feel even more worthless. I’ve expressed my struggle to him and he offers me no solace. His disregard and treatment to me during this has been very alarming and I’m now second-guessing our relationship. I feel that he is a covert narcissist and these past few weeks have been overwhelming eye-opening.

TLDR: Fell into a deep depression for the first time in my life after several life events happened. Fiancé of 2 months has shown no compassion, support or empathy and I’m second guessing our relationship and him as a person.

Submitted October 30, 2021 at 09:58AM by Cantaloupekiwi
After 2 1/2 years of dating, I (35f) recently got engaged to, what I thought, the man(40) of my dreams. I feel like I’ve been baited and switched on. After 2 1/2 years of dating, I (35f) recently got engaged to, what I thought, the man(40) of my dreams. I feel like I’ve been baited and switched on. Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on October 30, 2021 Rating: 5

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