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Soon to be EX Boyfriend (31 M) is messy and its Driving Me (27 F) crazy

Hello Reddit..... This is a lot. I just want to know if I am being petty or not. There is a lot more to the story but this part is driving me up the wall. My boyfriend moved in with me about 2 months ago and when he moved in he saw how my place looked ( neat / clean). I considered my place messy if I had a few things out. I am that type of person. I even told him to please keep the place the same way because messiness makes my anxiety flair up... I can't do it. He said ok ok.

Fast forward a few weeks in he is leaving a few things here and there. I simply clean it up without saying anything to him. Then I'm noticing that he keeps doing the same thing over and over again so I talk to him and he says he understands. This continues to the point where I am now tired of cleaning up after a GROWN MAN. So I am constantly in his ear about cleaning up after himself.

2 months in my place is in shambles and he constantly is pissed off at me because of my "nagging". I am so fed up! If I knew what I knew now I would have never allowed him to move in! Just an example of how disgusting this man truly is...

He constantly leaves food out... Like as I type up this post there is pizza on a plate in my kitchen that was left out overnight. (He always does things like this! He will get up in the middle of the night eat food and just leave it out). He will take food into the bedroom and leave it in there if I don't say anything. My couch is completely ruined (food stained and broken because he will sit in the same spot every day playing video games... On MY TV) carpet is stained because he spills food and drinks on it constantly. The ottoman that goes with a coffee table my mother gave me is ruined because he was looking for his wallet and spilled cereal all over it and refused to clean it up. By the corner that he plays video games on I will find old snacks, wrappers, cups of juice piled up.

If I dont say anything He will leave his clothes on the floor EVERYWHERE... CLEAN... DIRTY WHO KNOWS! The other week I wanted to see if he will eventually clean up ... At what point does he get uncomfortable with his living environment This "MAN" literally had clothing piles in EVERY ROOM of the apartment.... I had to say something for him to finally clean up ... *face palm*

I have a ninja bullet and if he runs out of cups ( because they are in some other part of the apartment) he will take the containers for my ninja bullet and use it as cups. Then I will want to make myself a smoothie and my containers, of course, are dirty. I recently found out when he had to drive me somewhere that several mugs that I couldnt find he took to work left it there or is in his car dirty... just sitting in there... He uses my air fryer and constantly leaves it disgusting...

I am at my wits end. It is so frustrating because my place is now a mess. I got sick of cleaning up after all the messes and when I say anything to him he says "You never clean so you dont have any right to complain". Little does he know I got sick of constantly cleaning up after him. .. It feels like I have a child but worse! Because eventually a child can be taught to be clean. He is a GROWN MAN stuck in his ways... I dont know how he managed to appear so clean before.. He was only suppose to be staying with me until he found a new place but he doesnt even look like hes looking! He says hes leaving but he never leaves. I have tried to kick him out and end things but he wouldnt leave or let me end things .... please.. I need help! He is not on my lease and I live in PA...

I told my landlord that I am not renewing the lease.. and I am planning on just moving to another apartment ( which I am so sad about, very nice apartment down the street from my job ) but I dont see any way out from this situation. I have a few weeks to find a place and I will let him know that he does as well... Is this legal? What would happen if he refuses to leave? Will I be held accountable?

There is so much more to this story so I will leave it at this because its already so long but reddit please help. Am I being too nitpicky? and Will my plan work?

TLDR : Messy BF driving me out of my apartment. Ending lease ( he is not on the lease) and moving out. Is this legal?

Submitted October 30, 2021 at 06:17AM by Expensive_Water_6303
Soon to be EX Boyfriend (31 M) is messy and its Driving Me (27 F) crazy Soon to be EX Boyfriend (31 M) is messy and its Driving Me (27 F) crazy Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on October 30, 2021 Rating: 5

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