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I (17) am worried about my mom (51) because she thinks my step dad (49) is hacking into her phone and accusing him of talking to a youtube famous girl (mid-20s probably)

My mom was a normal mom working and doing everything a mom would do, up until around 1 year ago, she started having really bad migraines, to the point where she couldn't work, or do much, she would have migraines this bad atleast once a week, bright lights hurt her, headaches, she couldn't do anything while she was having a migraine. Everything was perfectly normal still afterwards until we moved in with my step dads mom.

Around 6 months ago, my mom started accusing my step dad of hacking into her phone and that he was talking to another girl and how he was playing games on Facebook and that he's been talking to a youtuber girl with over 2 million subscribers. If you saw my step dad you would know no one like that would talk to him, the youtuber is like 20 years old. She would make accusations to him everyday. They would be perfectly fine, then my mom goes on her phone for an hour and comes out screaming and accusing him again. She has been accusing him of hacking into her phone and using her data to talk to this girl, (we don't have a Hotspot on our plan.) My step dad would no way in hell be able to hack into anything but a ww2 radio (he barely knows anything about technology). This has been going on for almost 6 months straight, to the point where it turned physical. My mom has started to have mini strokes and she can't speak English (her first language) she can only speak Greek (2nd language) randomly. She has now recently started having seizures, she mumbles words, her head gets really hot, she shakes.

My mom has shown me the "proof" of them hacking into her phone, she says she has recent apps open that she says she never opened. She's also accused my step dad of changing the date on the chrome log in logs, where you can see whenever someone or you signed into your Google account. My step dad once again, barely knows how to connect to the wi-fi.

I don't know what to do at this point I've had outbursts of where I tell her no one is hacking into your phone no ones messing with it, but she says that they are and she has proof, yet the proof Is random things you find on settings or on Google. She doesn't listen and she says that the proof is right there, yet there is none. I myself am pretty tech savvy and would be able to tell if someone actually did hack into her phone.

I dont know what happened, whether it's from the seizures or the mini strokes or the migraines, or if it's something else. I just need someone's help on what to do, or what she has. I am 17 and I am getting very overwhelmed and need some help from others. Thank you all for your help.

I forgot to mention, she has been diagnosed with PTSD, GAD, and another form of anxiety.

TL;DR: My mom accuses my step dad of talking to a youtube famous girl and says he is hacking her phone and watching her, and accuses my step dads mom of hacking into it too, with proof that isn't proof.

Submitted March 30, 2021 at 08:01PM by HelpNeeded1ThrowAway
I (17) am worried about my mom (51) because she thinks my step dad (49) is hacking into her phone and accusing him of talking to a youtube famous girl (mid-20s probably) I (17) am worried about my mom (51) because she thinks my step dad (49) is hacking into her phone and accusing him of talking to a youtube famous girl (mid-20s probably) Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on March 31, 2021 Rating: 5

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