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My[22f] boyfriend[39m] of 2.5 years pulled a really horrible prank that scared me and I'm not sure where to go from here.

Hi all, I am in a really bad place right now. I guess I need some outside perspective from people who don't know us or our situation, as most of my friends are telling me to dump this man but not much else.

I love my boyfriend, we get along amazingly and he's usually very funny. Sometimes he pulls little jokes that are harmless but last week he went too far and it has caused me a huge amount of anxiety that I cannot seem to shake.

Last week I was getting brunch with my friend and my phone rang. I had been waiting to hear from the hospital after some tests so I answered it. On the other end was a doctor who told me that they missed something on my last ultrasound, that there appeared to be a tumor in my abdomen that was possibly cancerous, and I needed to come into have surgery the following day.

I was in shock, and the thought of going into surgery sent me into a panic attack. My friend took my phone from me, as I was having trouble speaking. She began to speak to the doctor but quickly hung up the phone in a rage to tell me that it was my boyfriend on the other end, and that he and another man were laughing in the background, saying it was just a prank.

I was so upset and shocked and betrayed that the man I love could play a joke like that, especially since my health is a huge point of anxiety for me. My friend took me back home where we gathered some of my things and I have been staying with her. Unfortunately I have had to avoid all social media since then, as my boyfriend is sending me awful things and has gotten his friends to do the same. Every time I log onto FaceBook I have been so overwhelmed with the horrible messages, and now he has begun to send them to my friend. It is so out of character for him, he's never done anything like this before but it has made me see a completely different side to him.

I know I need to leave, but my supports are limited and the ones I do have are struggling to offer emotional support other than shit-talking him. But there's something in me that wants to know if this is salvageable.

TLDR: Boyfriend pulled a cruel prank that caused an anxiety attack. I want to know if it is salvageable. My friends are telling me to dump him but I'm struggling to find neutral advice.

Editing to add - I have seen his Reddit post now. Thank you to everybody who has brought it to my attention.

Submitted March 30, 2021 at 07:50PM by bfmademesad00
My[22f] boyfriend[39m] of 2.5 years pulled a really horrible prank that scared me and I'm not sure where to go from here. My[22f] boyfriend[39m] of 2.5 years pulled a really horrible prank that scared me and I'm not sure where to go from here. Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on March 30, 2021 Rating: 5

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