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My fiancé (F27) and I (M30) keep getting into arguments about getting a dog and I don’t know what to do

My fiancé and I have been together for 4 years and we have a 1.5 year old son. She really wants to get a dog, because dogs are her favorite thing in the world. I don’t think now is a good time, and this disagreement is causing major stress in our relationship.

We have a really small house (700 Sq ft) and have three cats and a child. I don’t think our son is ready, because he doesn’t know how to respect the cat’s personal space. He isn’t mean, he just chases them and tries to pick them up, and lays on them. I worry that if he brings that same energy to a dog, especially if they’re eating or sleeping, that he might get bit. I want to wait until he’s older and can respect animals a little better, or wait until we have a larger house so that a dog could get away to get some space if needed.

A really big issue, is that when we had our son I promised her we’d get a bigger place. Unfortunately it’s just not in the cards right now. I’m the primary income source and Covid has drastically reduced my income. I just can’t justify paying more money that I don’t really have, so we can get a bigger house just to get a dog.

I explain these things to her, and she gets upset but seems to understand for a little while. But if she sees a friend of ours get a dog, or if a neighbor gets a dog, the conversation starts again. Over the last year we’ve probably had this same discussion at least 20 times. Today she brought it up again, and I pretty much had to say “we aren’t getting a dog right now, and I’m not having this conversation again.” She got really upset and told me I don’t get to make all the decisions.

I don’t know what to do. Should I just bite my tongue and get a dog to make her happy? Or do I stick to my feelings on it, because I feel like they’re justified.

TL;DR! My fiancé wants a dog, because of our young child I don’t think we’re ready. It causes lots of arguments. Should I just bite my tongue and get a dog?

Submitted March 29, 2021 at 08:54AM by Quiet_Cut_7673
My fiancé (F27) and I (M30) keep getting into arguments about getting a dog and I don’t know what to do My fiancé (F27) and I (M30) keep getting into arguments about getting a dog and I don’t know what to do Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on March 29, 2021 Rating: 5

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