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How can I convince my parents to take my brother to therapy after he’s bullied me for years?

Sorry if this is the wrong place for this post I’ve never used this sub before or if this is confusing I’m pretty upset atm.

Basically my (16f) brother (14m) has bullied me since we were about 7/8. It started out as just petty fights that most kids have but as we’ve gotten older he’s become worse, especially during lockdown 1 (we’re in the UK). He mocks pretty much everything I do, from my music taste to my grades to my hobbies and pretty much makes me feel like shit. He also takes my things and will mess around while I try to revise for GCSEs (I’m super easily distracted so I find revision pretty difficult at the best of times). He also hits me/swears at me if he loses a game on his Xbox or phone.

It probably doesn’t sound like a lot but when he’s almost constantly belittling everything I do it makes me pretty depressed. Honestly the only times when I’m really happy are at school so when good ol rona came along that made everything even worse. It got to the point in summer were my mum and I consideried me moving to my grandparents when I start Alevels but we decided against it because the thought of leaving my friends made me pretty upset and I didn’t want to leave my mum on her own. My mum does try to stop him but he virtually never listens to her and she’s pretty stressed cos she works 3 jobs atm and does extra night shifts. My dad doesn’t care unless we are louder than the tv in which case he usually shouts at my mum for not being a good enough parent and that she should leave my brother alone which will apparently make him stop (it doesn’t). My dad also is pretty angry all the time and takes his anger at being overweight out on me and my mum and any time someone complains about anything he yells at us about he has everything worse off. My brother has basically copied my dads behaviour.

So recently I asked my mum if she’d consider doing counciling/therapy for my brother to get him to stop and for me because all off this makes me pretty stressed. However, I was told no we couldn’t. Over the past few months I’ve kept asking to at least be told why not but neither of my parents will say why not.

Tl;dr my brother has bullied me for years and nothing my parents have done has stopped this. Recently I asked them to consider therapy for us both which they bluntly refused. How can I convince them otherwise or does anyone have any other suggestions?

Submitted March 28, 2021 at 09:31AM by Competitive_Jump4019
How can I convince my parents to take my brother to therapy after he’s bullied me for years? How can I convince my parents to take my brother to therapy after he’s bullied me for years? Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on March 29, 2021 Rating: 5

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