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My Girlfriends sex drive us non existent because of her depression / medication

My [M22] Girlfriend’s [F22] sec drive is non-existent because of her medication / mental health

I’ve been doing some reading on this subreddit and a bunch of other equally related subreddits about this issue but have some differences in my story that I wanna put forward to get some advice on.

My girlfriend of 16 months has had some fairly intense mental health struggles in her life and suffers from anxiety and mostly depression. We both share similar mental health experiences on varying levels so it’s never been an issue to talk about freely with each other. Both of us are on medication (SSRI’s) however her being in Zoloft has completely numbed any physical sensation that’s possible through any sex and has consequently impacted her sex drive. To the point we’re we go months without sex and when we do eventually have it, it’s clear she’s only doing it for me and isn’t herself getting anything out of it.

It’s become quite damaging to me and my sexual confidence to not feel wanted or not feel desired but I love her to pieces and completely understand how it’s effecting her just as much to not be able to be intimate with me. I’ve expressed myself in regards to this and it crushes her to have me think this way almost as much as she says it crushes her to feel “broken” or like she’s failing me.

I’ve suggested she does everything in her power to hopefully stimulate sexual desire again but nothing seems to be working for her. She’s tried changing medication but that threw her completely off the rails mentally and wasn’t even worth continuing for the sake of her health. She’s tried her best masturbate more but it just makes her sad to literally feel nothing. She regularly sees a therapist to address this issue amongst other things. I’m not expecting her to change her meds again because Zoloft really helps with her mental state and to ask her to change again and risk it for sexual purposes only is unfair of me.

It’s now been almost 2 months since we last had sex and this problem has started to boil over in my head a lot more then it had in the past. Sex to me now when it eventually does happen again is just going to feel empty because I know she’s not feeling anything. Knowing this takes more then half the fun out of it because a lot of what I loved to do was get her off because it made me feel good that she felt good. Now knowing that anything I’m trying is just doing nothing for her just makes the whole act feel a little bit pointless and selfish from my end.

I’m not one to ever let something like this break the two of us up, but it does feel like this is something that can easily snowball into a much larger issue and push the two of us apart. Sex to me is a huge part of a relationship as it is for her and not being able to share that fully is crushing us both but more so her.

If anyone’s got some advice for me, whatever it may be that would be much appreciate.

tldr: girlfriend has no sex drive because of medication, not sure how to approach sex considering, scared it may result in the end of our relationship.

Submitted March 29, 2020 at 05:58AM by Dingdropulopulis
My Girlfriends sex drive us non existent because of her depression / medication My Girlfriends sex drive us non existent because of her depression / medication Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on March 30, 2020 Rating: 5

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