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I am wondering. What the hell is wrong with people these days. I hate, when people do not talk to each other directly. I met a guy. We went on a day date. Twice. It was great, cute, we had a fun, were talking all the time and on the second date he gave me a kiss. We had been texting and calling for a few months prior. He seemed that he enjoyed the date as well and texted me that we would definitely see each other again. After that I had a feeling he was trying to avoid me, so I asked him, if there is any problem? No, everything was absolutely fine, he just had a lot of work etc. and next week he will visit me (lives 200 km away). And then - I have been ghosted. Another case.. i used to have a best friend. She found a bf and the comunication between us started fading away. I sent her text message for christmas. Ignored. New year. Ignored. Birthday... Guess what. Ignored. So I asked her directly what the problem was. The answer? She thinks we are absolutelly different people now and we better not to talk to each other anymore. That's it. And I ask.. why is it hard for people to tell another person that they do not want to meet the again? Personaly it is so much better for me. Of course, it hurts. But at least I a have a ,,clean plate,, and I can move on.

TL;DR! Been ghosted by a guy and my best friend. Why do people do that?

Submitted March 29, 2020 at 07:16AM by kelicz
Ghosting Ghosting Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on March 29, 2020 Rating: 5

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