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I (27M) have a kid on the way and I don't want to tell my step siblings (28F, 27F and 24M) cause they bullied me for my mom's death when we lived together.

am 27yo male and when I was around 7 my parents divorced and my dad remarried when I was 8. I am almost certain my dad cheated but thats his problem not mine. The chick he married had 3 kids who at the time were 9, 7 and 5, things between us 4 were tense when we first got to know each other to say the least. It got a bit better once we all moved in and I didn't spend all the time there as id switch between my mom's and dad's every other week. But when I was 14 my mom died, that DEVASTATED me and I lived full time with my dad at that point. The kids got RUTHLESS, they were teens and not much more my dad or their mom could do and it turned basically to a 3 v 1 and me being on the outside.

I fought back cause I was gonna stand up for myself cause no one made them stop but then the insults came in.........They said stuff like "At least my mom isn't dead" "Go live in that old house- oh wait you can't" "Why don't you go to your mom's anymore?" "Hows your mom doing". It caused some legit anger and hatred towards them but also made me pretty sad about the whole thing. They made sure to do all of this behind our parents backs so they never saw any of it. I got into heavy drinking and drug use as a coping mechanism. I practically ran away at 18 (I moved out but told no one but a text to my dad) and I have seen all 3 of them maybe once? Never got an apology and it was all just cordial if anything.

I didn't let that go of the weed or alcohol till this year, when my GF said she was pregnant. I was ESTATIC. I felt a sense of pride and excitement I hadn't felt since my mom was alive. From that day I vowed to never drink or smoke again and I am going on 8 months sober. The baby is due soon, and I got around to telling my dad and step mom (I don't really have the greater relationship with him either). He was happy but I told him to NEVER tell his wife's kids. He said he's sad but will respect my wish, my GF asked why I'm so opposed to my "siblings" knowing. I told her that I have no intentions of ever seeing them again, and told her the reasons. She said she was plain awful to her sister but they both matured and have a good relationship now and that I'm "holding myself back from any sort of resolution. I told her that I will never subject me to those people ever again.

I guess my options are to not tell them or try and "patch things up" and tell them. What should I do?

TL;DR:My step siblings used to pick on me for my mom's death and I haven't seen them since I was 20 (I am 27 now). I have a baby on the way and I refuse to tell any of them about her.

Submitted March 30, 2020 at 10:14PM by step_siblingsTA
I (27M) have a kid on the way and I don't want to tell my step siblings (28F, 27F and 24M) cause they bullied me for my mom's death when we lived together. I (27M) have a kid on the way and I don't want to tell my step siblings (28F, 27F and 24M) cause they bullied me for my mom's death when we lived together. Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on March 31, 2020 Rating: 5

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