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My (23f) bf (28m) checks out EVERY SINGLE WOMAN

I’m about 4 months deep in a relationship with this guy. Since before we begun seeing each other seriously, I noticed that he would check out the assets of every women he saw. Wouldn’t make any comments or anything further just very intensely and obviously that it would make me slightly uncomfortable.

I once asked him about it, he said he doesn’t do that any more. He said he had that bad habit when he was younger but doesn’t do it any more. But he most certainly does. I brushed it off this time thinking me mentioning it would put him off it. But no. He still does it.

I am cognizant that this is so early in our relationship but I think it’s important to discuss this and let him know that it makes me uncomfortable. Or should it not make me uncomfortable? Idk but I definitely feel we need to talk about it. How do you think is a good way to approach this without making him feel bad?

TLDR: my bf checks women out a lot even when he’s with me. How do I talk to him about it?

Submitted April 04, 2019 at 02:08AM by admirableroof
My (23f) bf (28m) checks out EVERY SINGLE WOMAN My (23f) bf (28m) checks out EVERY SINGLE WOMAN Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on April 04, 2019 Rating: 5

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