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Boyfriend has nightmares

My boyfriend (28) and myself (21) have been together about a month now. He’s amazing and I’m so happy with him. He’s a recovering addict who is 6 months clean, and I am SO proud. He also has PTSD and schizophrenia.

Last night, he fell asleep earlier than me, which isn’t really unusual. So I started watching some Netflix on my phone. He had his back to me. He started making some awful noises, kind of like he was crying, or scared. Then he starting mumbling, but it really sounded like he was scared. This went on for about 30 seconds before I realized he was having a nightmare. So I gently shook him awake and asked him if he was okay. He turned around and just said “thank you, baby.” And asked me if I would hold him, because he was scared. So I held him until he fell back asleep.

He has had a really rough life and this is the first time I’ve been with someone who has (I don’t mean to sound harsh at all when I say this) these types of issues. I just want to be there for him and help him in anyway that I can. He goes to meetings, classes, therapy, and has a support system outside of myself and our friends. But sometimes I feel like I could do more. I make sure he has home cooked meals and I do his laundry. I make sure he has a way to get to his classes, meetings, etc. But as his girlfriend, what kind of things could I say/do to really let him know that I am not going to judge him because of his past? His previous relationships weren’t so great according to him and his friends. Most of them either did the drugs with him or at least enabled him. I want to be the stability he needs.

TL;DR: My boyfriend is a recovering addict and has PTSD/Schizophrenia. Hasn’t had the best life. I want to make sure he knows he’s loved and cared for regardless of these things. I want to know what I can do/say to ensure he feels safe and loved. He’s starting to have nightmares and I’m not sure how else to help besides wake him up and hold him when he’s scared.

Edit: misspellings

Submitted April 03, 2019 at 06:33PM by ffantomize
Boyfriend has nightmares Boyfriend has nightmares Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on April 04, 2019 Rating: 5

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