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Two years ago, I was Red Pilled by my future Boss (Rant).

This is a rant to commemorate that moment, and some of you might find it useful, so brace yourselves. And while applied to business instead of relationships, one can easily use the same advice, because it represents exactly what women expect. After all, I know it indirectly helped me.

Let's start by saying that I was already Red Pilled as far as relationships go, since former classmates who never even said hi started hanging around the moment I became a Doctor at 24 (skipped a few grades). I found it strange, because I always lived quite a simple life, driving a cheap used car, staying in shape, but not really a gym rat and I prefered to further my studies. But just saying they're going out with a Doctor was the only defining factor.

Professionally, to remain anonymous, I'll be as ambiguous as possible. But I've got a shitton of degrees, know several languages and served as an Army Doctor. Yet for my impeccable resume and experience, I wasn't earning as much as I should. So I applied for a job at an Oil Company, which generally pays a crapload.

I was interviewed and then my (future) Boss singled me out to talk later. He told me "You're the most qualified person to work here, but I cannot hire you... I know this may sound illegal, and I will deny it, but you're too ugly for us. I saw the POS you drove in, you're fat, you're short, you're just 30 and you're balding. Do you see everyone here? They look like they came out of a Hollywood set. We project success, and image is more important than smarts. Tell you what, I'll hire someone less qualified explaining them it's to fill in, add you on Facebook, and when you look like you can work here, I'll give you a call".

It was a "Holy Shit" moment for me. I wasn't investing in myself, and that was stalling my career and my romantic life. I made a habit of grooming, going to the gym, picking impeccable outfits, bought a sports car and did extensive cosmetic surgery on myself (to be fair, I was pretty ugly so it was needed, now I'm just ugly on the inside). In six months of that, I got the call.

Now I've got a simple desk job where I mostly need to sign stuff, greet executives from other branches, give awards, go to meetings, dinners, and be in charge of an infrastructure that requires minimal maintenance. To be honest, it could be done by a chimp. But I've got a fancy title, the respect of my peers, and the quality of women I date made the former ones look like lepers.

And I do plan to keep holding on to it. After all, the last guy retired here. I should've picked up the hints. He was in his 60's, but looked and acted like George Fucking Clooney.

It's sad that both in romance and in business, appearances are everything, and the world is deeply flawed and superficial. But the sooner you embrace that truth, the better it'll be for yourself.

So I guess I'll pour myself a drink and toast for another year. Cheers!

Submitted September 01, 2018 at 04:21PM by Zabaoth
Two years ago, I was Red Pilled by my future Boss (Rant). Two years ago, I was Red Pilled by my future Boss (Rant). Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on September 01, 2018 Rating: 5

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