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There are so few men who are willing and able to lead a woman that they’re practically begging for it. Be that fucking guy.

One of the main cornerstones of TRP is to be a man who leads women. It should be fairly obvious to those of you who have seriously been learning and applying TRP principles in your life that women want confident, decisive men with strong frames who aren’t afraid to lead and make decisions. This is because fundamentally they are children and cannot think term long term or as logically as men. Once you know this you’ll see the antithesis of these men everywhere. This has been happening to me more and more frequently over the last month.


The majority of men that I am surrounded by in my daily life, personally and socially are all really tough guys. Most are former military or are simply older guys who’ve earned their stripes and are just tough as nails. Except when it comes to women. When it comes to women, these men cave in a flat second. They DEER. They never DARE. They put women up on the pedestal. Verbal and situational subservience. Apologizing, explaining themselves.


What really irks me is the seemingly culturally encouraged proclivity to defer all decisions and leadership to their wife or girlfriend. It drives me nuts.

Asking the wife what she wants to eat. Asking the wife what they should do about a problem. Asking the wife for permission to do X or Y.

I’ve seen the sad pitiful attempts to climb out of the blue pilled ideological pit of female deference and the rebellions are quickly extinguished.


What bothers me the most is the collective sadness of the women who interact with these men on a personal or social level. They’re all craving the presence of strong decisive men and there just aren’t any. I pity these women. When all the men around you are unknowingly but willingly communicating to women that they’re low SMV men, it’s very easy to stand out. It’s not even a challenge any more. It’s like these women haven’t had a man challenge them in so long that simply hearing the word “No”makes them cum instantly.


It’s a very eye opening experience and only serves to reinforce to myself that women will become unhappy if they are not led with a strong guiding hand and decisive leadership from a man. Women resent men who do not lead. They will work to sabotage relationships if they are the ones left to be in charge. That the goal is to ultimately be taking the place of her father. It’s also a really good feeling to be able to lead a woman once you get past the initial awkwardness of doing it.


Lessons Reinforced:

  • Women are children.
  • Women want to be led.
  • Leading and deciding is a mans job.
  • A man is responsible for the behavior of his woman. A woman behaving badly is the sign of a man who is not in control of his ship.
  • You don’t have to be be a 10 on the smv chart to get laid. The competition is fairly non-existent.


Blows me away how much it all makes sense once you take the pill.

Edit: formatting

Submitted September 01, 2018 at 09:40PM by Noblefiz
There are so few men who are willing and able to lead a woman that they’re practically begging for it. Be that fucking guy. There are so few men who are willing and able to lead a woman that they’re practically begging for it. Be that fucking guy. Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on September 01, 2018 Rating: 5

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