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Slow down, idiot


Striving to be the best versions of ourselves, often we get caught up in trying too much. Once we set our eyes on our goal, every hour not spent on working towards it might be seen as a manifestation of laziness. This tends to create an inner sense of restlessness, which, paradoxically, hinders our progress. This inner tension deprives our minds of peacefulness so important for self-development.

Observing this on myself led me to writing this short essay, hoping to help to those of you who might be in the grind too much and not yet realizing that 24/7 effort almost always isn't the best long-term solution.

On lifting too much:

You really don't have to lift 6 times a week. Your body won't have enough time to regenerate. Just stick to the progressive overload principle. That and supplying your body with enough calories and nutrients will make you bigger. Question your tempo and workload. Ask yourself, am I able to sustain this workout routine six times a week for the next fifteen years? If the answer is no, sit back and reevaluate. 

I would also advice you not to go for the pro-bodybuilder type of physique, unless it's your only life goal and you have professional ambitions. Besides that women find it less attractive than a toned body (Haselton, 2007), too big a muscles will make you slow. You'll notice this when you pick up a martial art. True, your perceived dominance is bigger the bigger your muscles, however you want to stay swift and nimble.

Balance that growth-oriented program with some martial art or yoga class. Of the former I recommend Thai-box or Brazilian jiu-jitsu. Besides giving yourself another obstacle in your life, these will keep your muscles stretched and, over time, you'll become a dangerous motherfucker.

On working too much:

Now I have something to tell about this. Elon Musk-like workload (100+ hours a week) is unsustainable for the majority of us. Been there, tried it. It worked for like 2 months. Then I got massively burned out to the point that I felt physically sick even by thinking about my project. Needless to say, I've never finished the project. Here, as well, consistency is the answer. Your work shouldn't be an Olympic sprint. Make it a marathon. Slow-paced, consistent, long-distance run. There's a large chance you are not going to die tomorrow. Might as well save some energy and enthusiasm for days to come.

For example, I had beaten my daily target at my workplace by 120% this Monday. That's not 20% above expectations. That's a fucking 120% above expectations. Result? I was heavily under-performing for the rest of the week, being glad to get to 75% each day afterwards. Other reasons might be an ongoing (but finally solved) problem with law and crippling withdrawal symptoms caused by addiction recovery. Anyway, you get the message.

On studying too much:

Studying. One of the activities where the 80/20 rule shines its brightest. There will be days on which you'll be able to immerse yourself in countless pages of textbooks, completely loosing yourself in the subject of your study. Your brain will be well-rested and act like a thirsty sponge, begging you to feed it with all the information you can. After a good night sleep, when your brain processes the new-learnt subject, you'll feel like Einstein2.

However, on majority of days, you want to take things more slowly, easing yourself into the subject and stop once you notice you have to re-read the lines multiple times. Your mind will drift away, telling you to take a break and continue later, or even tomorrow. Go for a walk. Meditate. Hang out with your girl. Go lift and let go of the focus. Once you return to studying, you'll be rested with your mind prepared to absorb some more. Once you reach the point of resistance, rinse and repeat. No need to hurry. Be disciplined and consistent. That's all you need to do.

On banging women too much:

So you've gotten your PhD from the sidebar, put all the information into action and after months of failure and inconsistent results you are currently spinning four plates. Cindy gets your dick each Monday, Vicky on Thursdays, Saturdays are for Leah, and you hang out with Sarah whenever there's some free time left. That, my dearest friend, might be too much pussy for you. Sure, it feels great, it boosts your ego, you feel like a man after all those years of being a kiss-less virgin. But it's time to step-back. Reevaluate how you spend your time.

Spend some of it with your bros over a game of chess. Go fishing with your father. Help your uncle around his farm. I suggest you to keep the amount of time you spend with men and women at that sweet point of balance. Pussy is on sale these days. You won't miss out on anything by going without it for a week or two. And then, after some rest, the smell of a woman will be more alluring, even irresistibly so. Climaxing after two weeks of abstaining might feel like climbing the Everest. Give it a try.


Don't forget to question all my assumptions and reason with me in the comment section. Let's have some civilized conversation going on, so that all of us can learn from it. Thank you for your attention.

Submitted July 28, 2018 at 04:18AM by Patresko
Slow down, idiot Slow down, idiot Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on July 28, 2018 Rating: 5

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