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I (29M) have fallen in love in my coworker (28F) just after we both left our spouses.

I'm really sorry for bad English here and there, but I seriously need a slap on my head or sth.

We knew each other for quite a time, but we've never been really close. Just colleagues at work, some chatting and gossips, and moving on. But recently (from the start of this year) we have bonded quite well. Our conversations got deeper and more serious. Not a long time after she said, that she is leaving her husband. That was quite a news and I offered her every possible help, especially because he not only cheated on her, but also told that she will be willing to get back with him. Here comes second part of the story. My own marriage was going rather badly for several years. In meantime I've decided to do this final conversation, which went apparently pretty well! Until 2 weeks later my soon-to-be-exwife did r thing to me. Sometimes when things align it's too late before you can do anything. We have been supportive for each other during whole that time and have grown much closer than I thought I was able to. She picked up a new hobby which she shares with me ad we spent a lot of time after work doing that and just mundane stuff, helping each other with daily life. I don't think I was the only person feeling something at this point, but I was too scared and everything was too fresh to do anything. Long story short, in last month I was finally able to move to new flat. We live now 5 mins from each other and soon started to spent even more time together. Dumb me, I began to feel impatient. To feel something to her which is again something I didn't expect to feel to anyone too soon. So I hit the bullet, I've told her I need to talk to her. I've asked her that I'd be more than happy I she would like to be more than just friends. Her response? That it is too soon for both of us and we have to wait. And that we will come back to this conversation when time is right. Fair enough, I've expected that but I couldn't help myself but to tell her in some way what I'm feeling. Here is where things became complicated, at least from my perspective. Basically just after our talk she started to behave much more... affectionate? I don't know I that's the right word, but I've got the vibe that she doesn't want me to feel rejected. Which isn't really helpful because, well, she rejected me if only for some time. That occurred roughly week ago and I'm kinda lost in thoughts and feelings since. I think I know how I should do from now but that ain't easy. I'm afraid to not fuck up our friendship even more, to not lose her as a friend. I can't thing fucking straight for more than few minutes and then doubts come.

TLDR: I (29M) have fallen in love in my coworker (28F) just after we both left our spouses, I've told her that I want to be with her, she put it off but started to behave like she wanted to.

Submitted December 03, 2021 at 05:20AM by horseygonewild
I (29M) have fallen in love in my coworker (28F) just after we both left our spouses. I (29M) have fallen in love in my coworker (28F) just after we both left our spouses. Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on December 03, 2021 Rating: 5

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