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My gf(24m) wants to know everytime I(24m) masturbate

Sorry if its a bit choppy im on mobile My partner(24f) and I (24m) have been in a relationship for 5 years now. We had an incident in the past about trust issues as I was a porn addict and jacked off to photos of my friends. we've been working on communication and i started going to therapy for my addiction and depression for 2 years now. My gf has always had a lot of trauma surrounding sex as 3 separate people 1 being family took advantage of her at a young age. Because of the trauma she had to relearn a lot of things. Especially how to have self respect as she always saw herself as a tool until we got together. I understand that and we set boundaries as I was learning her love language. This past year that family trauma has been very severe as her family dishonored her for not wanting to speak to her abusers. Thus has been decreasing our sex life to only about at most every other week we might do something. In the past when I did jack off around her she sometimes might of joined in or helped. Yet any time we've tried to initiate sometimes she goes silent or starts crying and she tells me its not my fault. I understand it and have been supportive of her. But i still have needs too. I jack off like every other day just about. But I dont always tell her because I never ever want to pressure her into anything she does not want to do. Well she glanced at my manga/webtoon app and noticed some lewd stuff on there and became so upset to the point where she started calling me a liar about how often I jack off. I told her like at the start of the year i was reading these things. But she says she forgot. She says she wants to learn my sexual love language and we have been experimenting. Yet I know that her body cant handle how often I would like to have sex with her. Which could be even like 1-2 times a week and i would be happy. We have been having the best communication of our relationship the past year. So i was really surprised when she flipped and blew up on me and called me a liar.

Now the question i have is am I an ass hole For not keeping her updated on my sexual interests when anytime i attempt to as gently as I can she becomes triggered

Tldr: partner found lewd comics flipped on me calling me a liar for not telling her my fetishes. I dont want to push her for more sexy time due to her past traumas that shes still working on.

Submitted October 26, 2021 at 05:06PM by jasonxmeca
My gf(24m) wants to know everytime I(24m) masturbate My gf(24m) wants to know everytime I(24m) masturbate Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on October 27, 2021 Rating: 5

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