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My (22M) gf (23F) of 9 months says she wants to be less affectionate

So, my gf and I have been dating for about 9 months. Everything was going smoothly until about a month ago when she broke up with me. It ripped my heart out when she did it, but then only 24 hours later she said she wanted to get back together. Since then, she left for a month and just got back and things have been weird. I brought up that I’ve felt that she’s been keeping me at an arms length away and she agreed. She said she felt that I had expectations for her to show more affection than she wanted. I feel that I’m only asking for a bit (texting first once in a while, saying I love you first, initiating physical affection). Anyways, we talked about it today and she said that the level of affection from before we broke up was not her usual and she’s never really been like that. I’m fine with that. We were very affectionate for sure, more than I was even used to, but I didn’t hate it. I don’t need that level but I do need something. She said she would prefer to be less affectionate but we do still have to figure out what that means. It certainly means hanging out less, but I’m not sure what else. I know this is addressing concerns she had that led to our breakup but I’m not sure if I should be worried. She says she loves me, wants to be with me, and is attracted to me. I’m trying to believe her but that insecure part of me is mulling over this. To be clear, I want to be with her, I’m just not sure what this means for how much she wants to be with me/how much she really loves me. Should I be worried? Or is this just a mature movement to understanding how we both behave in a relationship? Thank you!

TL;DR my gf wants to be less affectionate and I’m worried that means she doesn’t love me as much as she says or as much as she once did

Submitted July 29, 2021 at 09:54PM by DoodleLab
My (22M) gf (23F) of 9 months says she wants to be less affectionate My (22M) gf (23F) of 9 months says she wants to be less affectionate Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on July 30, 2021 Rating: 5

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