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My BF keeps pausing the TV every 10 mins to comment and it makes movies go on way too long. Seems annoyed if I don't seem interested. M/F both 30.

Bit of a weird one. My BF likes to watch TV a lot. I'm not that big on it, but after an exhausting day at work I don't feel like doing anything productive or energetic so I'm happy to watch something before bed. However I usually am quite tired and it can be hard for me to not fall asleep. I always try to pay as much attention as possible and stay until the end of the movie, even if I'm not that into it. We usually watch a movie during the week then one at the weekend, which is much easier for me to stay awake for.

We both like a bit of talking while watching TV, to make it more sociable and humerous, but we have different ways about it. I'll wait for a moment when not much is happening to make a comment, whereas he will pause the show. This in general is not a big deal, except that he pauses it literally every 5-10 minutes, sometimes only a few minutes apart, while he explains something or makes a joke. And while I AM interested in his comments it makes the film go on for WAY longer than it should. An hour and half film will take over 2 hours on a good night.

I've asked if he can tell me without pausing it, and he said he will try not to as much. But yesterday he asked if I wanted to watch a movie. I said yes but maybe not a long one as I needed to be in bed for 10, so he chose one that was an hour and 40 mins. were about 20 mins into a movie and he had paused it 2 times to tell me little stories so we'd had the movie on for much longer. The 3rd time he paused it I was already getting sleepy and my eyes must've been part-closed. He looked at me and said "Never mind sorry." And I asked what? He said "No nevermind I'm boring you." I asked if he could tell me without pausing it again and he said "No it doesn't matter."

He did pause it a few times again after that, but less than usual and he seemed really upset that I'd looked tired/annoyed the previous time. I explained it breaks immersion a bit and makes the film go on for way too long. He seems to understand but will do the same thing again after.

I'm not sure what to do as I've asked him not to pause it so much etc. Other than say I haven't really got time for movies any more on work nights, but I do enjoy watching them and don't want that to be the case.

TL:Dr: my BF constantly pauses movies to talk about stuff and it makes the movie go on for far too long. Seemed annoyed that I was falling asleep when he paused it for the 3rd time in 20 mins.

Submitted July 28, 2021 at 04:00AM by Mikomiji
My BF keeps pausing the TV every 10 mins to comment and it makes movies go on way too long. Seems annoyed if I don't seem interested. M/F both 30. My BF keeps pausing the TV every 10 mins to comment and it makes movies go on way too long. Seems annoyed if I don't seem interested. M/F both 30. Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on July 28, 2021 Rating: 5

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