Hello friends!
I recently had a career switch and am teaching yoga (trying to make it my full time job, still struggling with it). I teach classes with mostly women (just because of the styles I teach) and also in spaces just for women, because i think theyre a nice environment to be in. My gf and I have been together for 3 years and shes been very supportive of my career goals so far.
Today while we were on the phone, I told my gf that tomorrow I was giving a private class to a friend (she did some design work for my website, i offered her a few private classes in exchange) and that the friend was bringing along the guy she's seeing.
My gf started out being confused, asking if i was going to give adjustments to this guy (I said no, I dont give adjustments to anyone anyway as part of my teaching but I reassured her that I would not). She then asked why I was okay with it, because I have told her in the past that this friend's boyfriends have been pretty lame. I told her this guy doesn't seem that bad, he seems to be treating my friend well so far. She was just shocked on the phone, kept asking me what's the point of having this guy in what was supposed to be a private class with my friend. I told her I didn't see a problem with it (I owe my friend classes anyway, and it's not like I don't offer private classes for two people on a regular basis as well). She told me she doesn't want to have this conversation, that I'm triggering her and she blocked me on whatsapp.
I sent her a text saying that its not ok for her to block me and that at some point I'm doing a job and I accept only what im comfortable with, and I dont tell her she shouldnt work with cis men at her job. She replied saying shes going to block me on text as well and that she's sick of my speech about being an independent woman capable of making my own choices.
I'm honestly really hurt by her reaction, but I love my gf very much and I want to try to understand her fears and feelings. I don't know how I'm supposed to bring it up with her, why she feels like this or what kind of compromise I could possibly make. Help, please?
tl;dr - gf, who has normally been very supportive of my career, is mad that im giving a private class to my friend and the guy she's seeing, blocked me from texts. What can I do to help?
Submitted March 04, 2020 at 06:55AM by OutsideSwordfish7 https://ift.tt/2wtQJu0
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