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My (20M) high school friends slipped alcohol into my drink as a joke. I'm furious

A little background: I'm not into drinking alcohol at all, absolutely hate the stuff. I tried a little bit on my 18th birthday (legal drinking age here is 18) and haven't had another drop since. All my friends know it and I usually end up drinking something non-alcoholic if I'm at a bar with someone. This particular group of friends has known this since day one.

A few weeks ago me and my high school home group were catching up over drinks at a bar. The 6 of us are quite a close group and have been getting lunch or something every few months since school ended a few years ago. Our home group teacher is only a few years older than us so she actually joins us too.

What happened this last time really upset me, we were all catching up over drinks when I excused myself to the bathroom for 2 minutes. After I came back I could tell within the first sip that there was alcohol in my drink, I confronted the group and they all admitted to slipping some vodka into my drink as a "fun prank" while I was gone. Everyone was in on it (including the teacher). I'm guessing they thought it would be funny as I don't normally drink.

I was absolutely furious, I didn't try to make a scene but I got up and left immediately (as discreetly as possible). A couple of them changed their tone completely and tried apologising as I was leaving. I've been receiving various apologies and explanations but I've just been ignoring them.

Since then I've been receiving pressure from other mutual friends saying it's wrong of me to abandon friendships for something so minor. Others (and also people from the group of 6) are saying stuff like "everyone drinks alcohol" and it's "no big deal".

I honestly cannot believe what I'm hearing, how the hell is "everyone drinks alcohol" a justification?

I don't want to lose friends but also I don't want to be in contact with people who have such little respect for my boundaries. How can I make them understand this? Should I even bother? Or am I the one in the wrong here?

Any input would be appreciated, thanks in advance

tl;dr Friends put alcohol in my drink as a joke. I've cut them off but others are saying I'm in the wrong and that I should get over it. What do?

Submitted March 04, 2020 at 05:55PM by SpecialistTry8
My (20M) high school friends slipped alcohol into my drink as a joke. I'm furious My (20M) high school friends slipped alcohol into my drink as a joke. I'm furious Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on March 05, 2020 Rating: 5

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