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Mom has never treated me as a married adult

I am 23, and have been married for 4 years now. We live in our own house, pay our own bills, and take care of ourselves. We do not rely on anyone to support us at all.

My mother has always been very overbearing. She wants all the info, and to be able to tell us what we should do. My older sister (30) 100% allows this, and takes mom's word as gospel. I, on the other hand, do my own thing. I will listen to her advice, but if it's not what I want im not going to do it. Same with my husband. DH and Mom have never gotten along because of this. She tells me that he and I don't listen to her "to spite her and piss her off." HERES SOME THINGS THAT ARE ABSOLUTELY PISSING ME OFF RIGHT NOW!!!!

I broke my leg in October. I was on the depo shot, after having a horrible time with an IUD. I broke my leg and had surgery around when my depo shot was due again, and didn't get it. I wanted to go back on the pill instead because I don't like the shot and don't want another IUD. Mom has been berating me and telling me how stupid this is. I am currently not on birth control, and she constantly harps on this and asks me if I've made an appointment. If I say no she responds "well it's not like you're doing anything " in a nasty tone. She also repeatedly tells me "better not get fucking pregnant" any time I even mention I'm nauseous. I could say I broke a fingernail and she'd respond "better not be pregnant." Now this hurts my feelings for multiple reasons, but I think it's none of her damn business if I am or am not pregnant.

I lost my insurance because my leg isn't healed and I can't work currently. My husband switched me over to his insurance instead. I don't have my insurance info yet, because we had to switch our address and get it remailed. I'm supposed to have an appointment Monday for my leg, which im going to reschedule. Every single day last week and this week, she has asked me about my insurance and my appointment. She then goes on a rampage about me having insurance, and how I HAVE to go to this appointment.

I have started implementing boundaries, but I'll be honest I'm terrible about it because it gives me anxiety trying to hold the boundaries. She takes me not telling her something as an insult. She also gets nasty when I get mad, and mocks my facial expressions I make when I get mad. Anytime I get mad about it she says "look at how mad you get. You're being overdramatic why are you acting like this it's not an insult." I don't even know what to do anymore. This is one of thousands of boundary stompings and treating me like I'm a teenager living with her boyfriend. She doesn't see me as a married adult.

TLDR: My mom doesn't treat me as a married adult, and constantly stomps over boundaries and gets pissed off when I don't do exactly what she says when she says it.

Submitted March 05, 2020 at 02:26PM by lizahotham
Mom has never treated me as a married adult Mom has never treated me as a married adult Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on March 05, 2020 Rating: 5

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