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Girlfriend was assaulted and is pregnant

this is a throwaway because she knows my reddit. I (f26) and my girlfriend (26) have been together for 5 and a half years. Last month she went on a work night out and lost a few hours of the night completely, no one she was with knew where she had gone and they'd just assumed she had gone home as she had forgotten her ID and so couldnt get into bars. From what has been pieced together they went to a bar and had a couple drinks, tried to get into another bar but were turned away as she had no ID, they went back to the previous bar and she ordered a drink and put it down at a table with the people she was out with, she went to the toilet and when she got back everyone had gone and then she remembers being in a taxi home for what she said felt like hours and she didn't recognise where she was at multiple points, this is a journey she's done many times both sober and drunk and there's pretty much only one or two ways to get from where she was to our house. The people she was with said they ordered drinks, she went to the toilet but never came back, they went lookong for her and waited over an hour while still looking but she never returned so they left and assumed she had gone home. she turned up home at 1.30am thinking it was 10.30 with ripped tights, legs covered in bruises and her jaw was swinging and pupils were like saucers. Obviously I questioned her and let her know that i was just worried as i hadnt heard from her sinxe around lunch time (her phone died) but she protested that she was okay and she had just drank too much on her new medication, she has a mobility issue and uses a walking stick daily and is clumsy when sober and assumed she had been accidentally hitting it into her legs, she bruises like a peach so it was just kind of shrugged off as a messy night and neither of us thought much more about it. Maybe 2 nights later she started sleep talking and walking and having repetitive bad dreams about being dragged into an alley or another similar situation. I told her about what was happening when she was asleep but again it was shrugged off as no big deal. Fast forward to yesterday, she had a scheduled gynecologist appointment and they had to do their regular tests including urine and she got the news she is pregnant, the dates line up to that night. We've spoken about options and she's thinking of keeping it as she doesn't believe in abortion unless it's for medical reasons and she is convinced she wouldn't be able to live with the guilt. Im really stuck and confused and I feel selfish as hell but I don't want this child. She won't report it to the police as she can't remember anything really so is convinced she won't be taken seriously. I really just don't know what to do. I know I need to be supportive but I've been adamant since day one that kids have never been on the agenda for me, which she knows. Shes scared about the whole situation and that she's going to lose me and I'm scared that I'm not going to be able to give this potential new life the love it needs or be the person she needs me to be in this situation. I want to be that person, for her especially, I'm just not sure I can be.

TL;DR girlfriend was assaulted, is now pregnant and I think she's going to keep the baby.

Submitted February 28, 2020 at 04:54PM by whatamess2020
Girlfriend was assaulted and is pregnant Girlfriend was assaulted and is pregnant Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on February 28, 2020 Rating: 5

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