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The girl I've (21F) been seeing (20F) never offers to pay for the bill.

Hi all,

I've gone on a couple (7+) of dates with this girl. Our dates are amazing and we have great chemistry. We are not official but have talked about exclusivity. During our first date, I paid for everything (movie and dinner) and told her that since I initiated the date, I'll pay. However, I found myself initiating most, if not all, of the dates. She's very shy and introverted, and has no prior dating experience, but I thought she would initiate as time goes by. She never did (though she would drop hints and tell me which days she was free), and I found myself usually paying. For example, we planned to watch a movie during the premiere, so she suggested buying the tickets in advance. I said ok, and bought them. I let her know and she just said thanks and didn't offer to pay me back. There was only one time she paid- I left my wallet but I venmoed her back when I got home.

We're both uni students. I have money saved up from working part time, but we both don't have jobs at the moment. She has never had a job before, but plans to get one over the summer. I'm not sure if I should just be more understanding of her financial situation and keep footing the bill, since I genuinely do like her and am willing to see where it goes.

We're not official too, so I'm more hesitant to talk about this. The thing is, I don't mind paying/initiating for most of our dates, as long as she offers to split on some occasions. So my question is, should I bring it up? How do I even bring it up? In my past relationships, we wouldn't split the bill, but they would pay for one date and I would pay on the next. I guess I'm used to that dynamic so I'm unsure how to handle this situation.

tl;dr: Girl I've been seeing does not initiate dates and doesn't offer to split the bill and I don't know if I should bring it up/how i should bring it up

Submitted February 26, 2020 at 03:31PM by fuzzypbow
The girl I've (21F) been seeing (20F) never offers to pay for the bill. The girl I've (21F) been seeing (20F) never offers to pay for the bill. Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on February 27, 2020 Rating: 5

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