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I (21F) caused a random couple to end their engagement by exposing the cheating boyfriend (20s?M) to his fiancée (20s?F)

I was on Tinder at the time, and this random guy sends me a message through Facebook, saying he swiped right on me on Tinder but we didn't match (I actually remember seeing his profile and rejecting it lol). I found this pretty creepy/stalker-ish but I was like sure I'll bite. (For those who don't use Tinder, it's basically impossible to find someones other social media accounts through Tinder unless they link it themselves, which I didn't.)

He's telling me how cute I am, he wants to take me out and get to know me, he's glad he found me outside of Tinder, blah blah. His FB page is completely public, so I can see everything he's posted and anything he's been tagged in. Literally the FIRST, most recent post on his timeline is from his fiancée tagging him in a happy anniversary post and showing off her engagement ring, 2 days before he messaged me. He's in the comments telling her how much he loves her and couldn't wait to marry her.

I message him back with something along the lines of "but what about your girlfriend?". He says he's losing feelings for her and knows it's not going to work out. I HATE cheaters. I think it's disgusting. If my partner was cheating and someone knew, I'd want them to tell me. So I played along and got him to tell me as much as I could about how he "really felt" and if he was hooking up with other women (he was). At one point I even said "don't you think that's cheating though?" and he goes "it doesn't really matter because I'm ending the relationship soon anyway".

I take screenshots of the entire convo and send message to his fiancée with the pictures attached. I basically say hey I don't know you, but I wanted to let you know your boyfriend is cheating, explained the whole Tinder thing and how I purposefully played along and got him to talk. Ended it by telling her I know it sucks but please feel free to message me if you ever need to talk about it. She never answered but by the next day the boyfriend had blocked me, so I assumed she confronted him.

I recently told this story to my friend group and was really surprised when a few of them said I'm an AH, saying that I was interfering in a relationship between people I didn't even know, I should've just stopped replying and left it alone, that I probably ruined someone's engagement, and it wasn't even that serious/wasn't cheating since it never got physical. I did it because personally if my boyfriend was cheating, I'd want someone to extend me the same courtesy and tell me before I'm in too deep. But the flack has kinda made me question what I did.

Was is wrong of me to go out of my way to tell a woman I don't know personally that her fiancé was cheating? I thought it was the right thing at the time but now I feel like an AH, and one male friend in particular is really giving me shit about it, and has told others in the group he doesn't trust me with his secrets anymore knowing I did this to some couple. How do I rebuild the trust?

TL;DR : I made a random couple I don't know end an engagement by exposing the cheating boyfriend. Friends are saying I was wrong to go out of my way to inform the woman about the cheating. One of them says he no longer trusts me to keep his secrets.

Submitted February 26, 2020 at 10:32PM by DrkSknHokage
I (21F) caused a random couple to end their engagement by exposing the cheating boyfriend (20s?M) to his fiancée (20s?F) I (21F) caused a random couple to end their engagement by exposing the cheating boyfriend (20s?M) to his fiancée (20s?F) Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on February 27, 2020 Rating: 5

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