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My (29F) boyfriend (M7) told me he's bringing his friend (27F?) as his plus one to a wedding and not me

EDIT: He is 27!!! Not 7!

Update: I have posted an update below in comments but don't think people are seeing it. He told me this morning they BOTH got invited and neither got plus ones, so are going together, not her as a plus one. Still begs the question of why he phrased it like that. When I brought it up he straight away showed me her message where she said she got an invite and knows he is going but can she go with him as she won't know people there. So, huge miscommunication there, and I think he just wasn't thinking at all about what he was saying. I don't think he is cheating on me with this girl or that I'm the other woman, because he has mentioned her before and also mentioned that she is a lesbian before too. Regarding his friends, he apologised and said we will take a trip to visit them in the next week or two. He doesn't seem to "get" that meeting friends or not meeting friends can be a big deal, so I explained and said he now understands.

So he told me this last night and I'm not really sure how to feel and if I'm being unnecessarily annoyed.

He told me he got invited to another wedding and then said, sorry, but his friend wants to go to it so she will be his date. He then said not to worry, she's a lesbian.

I have two things that are bothering me.

One: we have been going out almost 8 months and I have only ever met one of his friends (they mostly love in another city and he rarely sees them himself). So this makes me think maybe his friends don't know about me and he doesn't want them to know? I'm just thinking if I did the same, and brought a friend, my own friends would think it strange I wasn't bringing my boyfriend.

Secondly: it's a wedding, and you bring a date, not a friend, right? I have brought a friend to a wedding once, but that was because I was single and I didn't know many people there, so the bride told me to bring a friend. But, weddings are kind of romantic... am I weird to feel uneasy about that? I know nothing will happen. This girl isn't straight and I know he wouldn't cheat on me, but I am still a bit jealous.

How do I approach this with him? I don't want to sound jealous and nagging and controlling. And I don't want to demand he brings me instead! I just want him to think how he would feel and that it's maybe inappropriate? If it is inappropriate...

TL;DR boyfriend is bringing his gay female friend to wedding instead of me. How do I express my annoyance without coming across as controlling.

EDIT: He is 27!!! Not 7!

Submitted February 28, 2020 at 11:16PM by sadbeangirl
My (29F) boyfriend (M7) told me he's bringing his friend (27F?) as his plus one to a wedding and not me My (29F) boyfriend (M7) told me he's bringing his friend (27F?) as his plus one to a wedding and not me Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on February 29, 2020 Rating: 5

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