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Struggling F(26) to feel happy for my friends milestones

Let me preface this by saying this post will make me sound like an asshole, but these are my thoughts and I’d never say this to my friends and am outwardly very supportive.

Recently a few of my close friends have started getting married and buying houses and I’m really struggling to not feel bitter about it.

I grew up decently poor, abusive parents, not great stuff. I was given grants and scholarships for college so graduated debt free and worked full time during school to pay for my life. I ended up getting my graduate degree funded as I worked for the school. So I am endlessly grateful that I had that leg up in my life but I’d be lying if I didn’t work my ass off (2-3 jobs and school) to do it.

It’s just really hard to see friends of mine whose families pay for their weddings, down payments for their houses, or they have a boyfriend who pays more of the rent, or they live at home rent free. And now they’re able to get ahead because of it. I don’t actually feel specifically bad feelings towards my friends in particular, it’s just a general feeling that I can’t shake.

I just wish once in awhile someone would acknowledge that it’s great I’ve supported myself since I was 17. I know life isn’t fair, it’s just a very isolating feeling. It doesn’t help that I work with extremely well off people. Just seems like it’s always being thrown in my face.

I know I am EXTREMELY fortunate to be stable, have a good savings account, and be fully independent. And I’m proud that I did it myself but it gets pretty tiring feeling like I have to try 4x harder for things that other people are handed. I don’t want this to come off as a sob story, I just feel isolated.

Can anyone offer me any perspective or things to remind myself when these thoughts come up?

TL;DR friends have things handed to them much more often than I do and I’m struggling to cope with it

Submitted February 25, 2020 at 07:10PM by Freenarn
Struggling F(26) to feel happy for my friends milestones Struggling F(26) to feel happy for my friends milestones Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on February 26, 2020 Rating: 5

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