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My (20sF) coworker (30sF) is passively eluding to me being a bad dog owner

I've recently gotten a new 13 week old standard poodle puppy. My office is dog friendly so I bring him into work with me every day. Ever since I've brought him into the office, this particular coworker has been eluding to me being a bad owner. Shes said he was too skinny, asking me if I'm having him run marathons because he is sleeping most of the time when she comes by my desk, and she thinks that I'm actively teaching him bad behavior because he puppy bites.

She always says these things in a passive way like saying these things in a baby voice to my dog instead of me. I dont have reason to believe that I am a bad owner. He is perfectly healthy. I feed him the amount that the vet recommended, he sleeps a lot because, duh, puppies sleep a lot, and puppy biting is normal and at his age there is no way to TEACH a puppy to puppy bite, nor is it easy to just eliminate that behavior.

tl;dr Coworker keeps eluding to me being a bad owner of a 13 week old puppy. How can I tell this coworker in a professional way to f-off, before she has a chance to keep doing these things?

Submitted February 25, 2020 at 11:20AM by whosausa
My (20sF) coworker (30sF) is passively eluding to me being a bad dog owner My (20sF) coworker (30sF) is passively eluding to me being a bad dog owner Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on February 25, 2020 Rating: 5

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