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My (29f) husband (31m) didn't acknowledge my birthday

And there's many other issues, this is just the most recent.

My birthday was Monday, and I had a weekend of stuff planned to do since the kids were gone with grandma from Fri til Sunday. Friday I worked during the day, and we had plans to go to a winter lights display with another couple when I was done. Upon finishing work, I texted him making sure he still wanted to go, he said 'sure'. I work at a bar so I just waited there and let the other couple know we were still on, I think, but not quite sure when. Finally about an hour later he shows up at the bar, and we get on with our night. He's not very talkative to me or them in the car, and we get there and he proceeds to play Pokémon Go through 90% of the lights walk. There are a couple set ups for people to take cute pictures, and I asked him to do them and he acted annoyed every time and sat on his phone for most of them. Not a huge deal but I was definitely getting annoyed because I told him earlier that week he didn't have to come if he wasn't interested in it, but he insisted he wanted to go and then acted like he was bored the whole time.

Whatever. Move on to Saturday, I had a birthday dinner/drinks planned with some friends and family. Earlier in the day, I wanted to go shopping and get a new outfit for the night and thought we could also get some Christmas shopping done for the kids since they were gone and it seemed like a good time. He said he was going to stay home and play video games with his brother. Okay fine. So I left and did my shopping. Came back, and we head out for dinner. Mostly uneventful, nice to see friends. End up at the bar, and many of my friends leave early because there was a massive snow storm coming to the area. No biggie, thanks for coming out at all. But my husband then spends the entire rest of the night ignoring me for one of his friends and then we go home and he passes out and that's it. I was hopeful for a little birthday sex since it's been damn near a year since we've done anything, but obviously that wasn't happening.

Sunday, I hang out with the kids. He plays video games. I tell him I want to take the kids to a parade on my birthday and then either get dinner with him and the kids, or go to the bar for a drink with my girlfriends. He says do whatever you want.

So Monday, my actual birthday rolls around. And he leaves for work without a word. Comes home from work without a word. We go to parade with some friends, they all say happy birthday and how was your day etc, still not a word. Get home, I say I'm tired so I'll probably skip the bar, and I want to hang out with them. He proceeds to play video games until we go to bed. Doesn't even tell me happy birthday at any point in the day and makes quite an effort to not even converse with me.

Now three days later I am still seething about the whole thing and he apparently knows I'm upset but hasn't tried to talk to me about it or apologize, just keeps trying to get me to engage in any small talk hoping I'll get over it, but I'm not going for it right now.

Not entirely sure what to do about it. I don't wanna act like a brat, but I put a lot of effort into making his birthday or our anniversary into a fun day where he feels loved, and I am really upset he couldn't even be bothered to tell me happy birthday. I don't expect him to throw big parties or plan anything because it's just not really his thing, which is why I plan things myself so it doesn't have to be an issue. But to just blatantly ignore me really hurts my feelings and I'm not really sure how to proceed with him anymore.

Sorry this is so long, I really just need to vent and wanna know I'm being a baby about it all.

Tldr, husband ignored me for my birthday, among other things, and I'm upset. What do.

Submitted December 04, 2019 at 03:59AM by Allieriffic
My (29f) husband (31m) didn't acknowledge my birthday My (29f) husband (31m) didn't acknowledge my birthday Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on December 04, 2019 Rating: 5

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