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My (34f) boyfriend (28m) got violent with me last night

I started dating my (now ex) boyfriend over the summer, and honestly thought he was near perfect. He doted on me, would buy me flowers and meals, really treated me the way everyone wants to be treated. Our sex life was awesome, we got along great and had the same sense of humor, had a lot of things in common and could actually talk to him about my interests. I really thought I had found my soulmate.

But last night, we went to a christmas party and he was acting kind of weird all night. I don't know if he was cranky or what, but he would mutter under his breath kind of talking shit about something someone was saying, so that only I could hear it. We were kind of bickering about this and he said he was "passionate" and that I should just accept that, but I said or maybe you should work on yourself and try to grow and be better. He didn't like that. He stormed off a few times to smoke a cigarette and while I was engaged in conversation with some people I had just met, I saw him angrily grab his jacket and start to leave. I caught him at the door and asked why he was leaving me there and he said he was tired and wanted to go home, so I went with him. He kept asking me if I was mad at him, which I wasn't, but he kept asking and it started to get on my nerves which upset him more.

When we got home he kept insisting I was mad at him, which I wasn't, and really just kind of throwing a temper tantrum. I said I need to get the pot roast started so we have food to eat tomorrow and started to walk away from him and that's when he started being verbally abusive, saying "fuck you" and "no one will ever love you like I do" and just mean, nasty stuff. So I asked him to leave, and as he was walking out the door I grabbed his jacket and tossed it to him, then he turned around and basically started picking me up and throwing me around my apartment. He backed me into a corner and just glared angrily at me. I thought he was going to hit me. I was yelling at him to stop which he finally did. When I could escape, I ran out of my apartment and up a few flights of stairs, hiding from him. I could hear him shuffling around my apartment yelling at me to come back. After about twenty minutes I heard the back door of my apartment slam shut and I finally came back to my apartment. My poor dog was hiding under the covers of my bed, and he was so scared he had pissed himself.

He started texting me shit, so I blocked his number. We were supposed to spend the whole day together, we had this big plan. But instead I ate my pot roast alone with my dog and got drunk off mimosas pretty early in the day and slept the rest of the day. He came by my apartment this morning, but I didn't answer the door. Now that a day has passed since it happened I feel very dumb and numb. I think I'm in shock. I know it isn't my fault but I somehow feel responsible? Like were there red flags all along I couldn't see because I was wearing rose colored glasses? I really thought I knew this person and I am having a hard time reconciling the person I saw last night with the person I fell in love with. I have never wanted to be home on Christmas more than today.

TLDR; Dated a guy for about six months, thought I was falling in love with him, but he pushed me around last night and I spent christmas alone, drunk and sad.

Submitted December 25, 2019 at 11:56PM by moodrat
My (34f) boyfriend (28m) got violent with me last night My (34f) boyfriend (28m) got violent with me last night Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on December 26, 2019 Rating: 5

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