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I'm (32M) planning to divorce my wife (34f) after she stopped taking mental health meds again (8 mo)

It's been a rocky few months. Wife was diagnosed with bipolar and her moods swing all the time not on her medicine. She stopped going to her appointments this last month and stopped taking her meds. After I left one day without warning after she told me to drop off my cat at a shelter. She had made threat about the cat before and she would not listen to me when I tried to discuss how much the pet meant to me. I ignored the phone all day and didn't come back home until the next day. I considered just staying gone at that point since she was being verbally and physically abusive. A voicemail she left told me she wanted to get better and she did love me.

Come to today where she told me she doesn't want to take her meds again. I've noticed that I'm super tense around her that I avoid things that she would flip out on me about. She questions what I do on my phone and feel like I haven't had me time since we've been married. From breaking 2 pairs of my glasses, calling me passive aggressive, and selfish for picking a movie for the background she didn't like.

Financially she made promises that led to one of our accounts going to collections and to an eviction from our current apartment because of an email she sent the property manager.

She has no job and is facing some criminal charges because of one night I called the police after she was being physically abusive. I feel like I let her down not getting help to her sooner but I know I need to be selfish and look after myself too. Others say I've been too patient with the craziness and they are right.

I'm looking for advice on how to best break the news of divorce, protect myself, and make sure she has a place to go home to after I am gone.

Tldr: Wife has mental health issues, assaulted me and I am planning a divorce. Trying to make sure she has a safe place to be after I am gone.

Submitted December 28, 2019 at 05:14PM by lumabean
I'm (32M) planning to divorce my wife (34f) after she stopped taking mental health meds again (8 mo) I'm (32M) planning to divorce my wife (34f) after she stopped taking mental health meds again (8 mo) Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on December 29, 2019 Rating: 5

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