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My boyfriend [23M] and I [27F] live together and he is costing me way too much money.

My boyfriend and I have been living in our own apartment with no roommates for about a year. Super thankful we were able to get this place because it was relatively cheap and not a complete dump. I am so proud that we have made such a loving home together and I love him dearly.

So here is my issue. Every time rent is due he is either short on his portion (and even sometimes on our phone bill) or barely has enough, we also split the bill down the middle as well. Most of the time I have to pay for his portion. At least 6 months out of the the whole year I have had to pay either his portion of rent or both his rent portion and phone bill.

He only has a GED and is an aspiring artist. He actual is super talented but can’t get him self to work a full time job and ALSO work on his music. I am a college graduate and worked two jobs the entire time while I was in college (even in high school) so I don’t understand why he can’t get a full time job and also work on his music. It honestly infuriates me because of how hard I have worked to get this far.

I even tried to get everything in his name (apartment and phone bill) so he would be held responsible. I thought maybe it would motivate him and make him more responsible but nothing has changed. Another situation we are dealing with, we need some of his paperwork (I already did my portion, months ago) to renew the lease for another year (and has yet to do so) we are about to loose our apartment (and he doesn’t have his portion of rent AGAIN)

I am financially not able to pay for him for another year because my school debt and medical debt (oh did I mention I have serious health issues) is getting absurd and my parents have suggested I move back in till I am debt free. I am seriously considering moving back in so I can get out of debt because I was suppose to be focusing on paying my debt off while I was living with him (because we had such a cheap apartment) but because he isn’t paying I wasn’t able to catch up what so ever.

I don’t want to break up with him but I can’t afford to live with him anymore. How do I go about this? I love him dearly but I am scared he will get super mad and want to break up if aren’t living together.

Do you think it would be a good idea if he went and lived with his friend and I lived with my parents? Do you think he would just ask me for money then too?

TL;DR My boyfriend and I have an apartment together and we split the phone bill and rent down the middle, but I end paying all of it most months. I love him dearly but I can’t afford to live with him because I am in so much student and medical debt. How do I go about staying with him but live separately without him getting super mad?

Update: Thank you so much for the comments. I didn’t want to but I left the apartment and staying with my parents tonight. Rent is due in a few days, gave him my portion. So we’ll see what he’ll do.

Submitted December 28, 2019 at 12:24PM by lovelyducky18
My boyfriend [23M] and I [27F] live together and he is costing me way too much money. My boyfriend [23M] and I [27F] live together and he is costing me way too much money. Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on December 28, 2019 Rating: 5

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