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My (33/M) wife (30/F) lost a lot of weight and I’m no longer physically attracted to her. What can I do to be attracted to her again?

Throwaway because she probably knows my username.

So this the opposite of what I’ve seen people post here before. I’ve always been into bigger women. I’m not a feeder or a chubby chaser or anything fetishistic like that, I’m just more attracted to women who are a little overweight. My wife (married 4 years, together for 6) has always been overweight and I’ve always thought she looked perfect. Over the last year or so, she decided that she wanted to try to get in shape and live a healthier lifestyle.

She’s dropped about 60 pounds. She also now has an entirely new wardrobe, wears her hair differently, and does her makeup differently, she’s changed pretty much everything. I like all of the changes except her new size. I just don’t find her attractive at this weight.

Now, objectively she looks great, and she seems a lot happier with her new body and has been much less stressed out since she started eating better and going to the gym. I can tell that these are positive changes for her and I would never ask her to gain back weight just to make me happy. But I no longer find her attractive and that’s a big problem for me.

I still love her, but I feel like I’m with her in spite of her body rather than appreciating it like I used to. What can I do to try to change my own mind or condition myself to like her new body?

tl;dr: Wife lost a lot of weight and I don't like how she looks now. Can I make myself like it?

Submitted December 27, 2019 at 06:29AM by Western-Eggplant
My (33/M) wife (30/F) lost a lot of weight and I’m no longer physically attracted to her. What can I do to be attracted to her again? My (33/M) wife (30/F) lost a lot of weight and I’m no longer physically attracted to her. What can I do to be attracted to her again? Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on December 28, 2019 Rating: 5

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