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UPDATE: Me [23F] with my friend [26F] of 2.5 years, who was rude to me and my boyfriend [26M] and now I don't want to include her in our new D&D campaign. How do I tell her?

Previous post is here.

Hi r/relationships!

While my original post didn't get much attention, wanted to provide an update as the advice I got was super helpful.

I ended up not mentioning the D&D campaign to her and she never really brought it up and when she did I kept it super vague. The friendship slowly started to fade and we got coffee about 6 months after my post and she spent the entire time talking about herself and life and barely asked me anything about mine. Like of a 2 hour coffee, I maybe spoke for 10 minutes max. I was happy to let the friendship fade because of some other shitty behaviour from her but finally she confronted me over Facebook about it all and I decided to tell her I just didn't want to be friends anymore and I wished her all the best. I felt pretty bad, as it wasn't the nicest thing but I genuinely wasn't keen on staying her friend and was hoping she'd take the hint and just let it fade, and at least she has that closure of me formally ending the friendship? idk. Based on her social, looks like she has lots of great friends now and things are going well for her, which is great. She's a fun person, just not a fit for me I think.

The D&D campaign went amazingly, my character actually ended up dying and then being resurrected by a different god in order to kill the big bad guy - and my character ending up dealing the finishing blow. We just started a new campaign that M is DMing this time and it's super fun so far.

In other news, M actually proposed to me a few weeks ago and we just bought a house together. So things are great! And while I don't have tons of friends, the ones I do have are way more fun to play board games and D&D with and I'm making a big effort in 2020 to make more friends.

Wanted to thank everyone who gave me the advice on the first thread - particularly the person who gave me their permission to lie haha.

TL;DR: Formally ended the friendship with my friend after more crappy behaviour from her, which was a little awkward and am now engaged to my BF from the original post and obsessed with D&D!

Submitted December 28, 2019 at 03:10PM by PM_ME_FROGS
UPDATE: Me [23F] with my friend [26F] of 2.5 years, who was rude to me and my boyfriend [26M] and now I don't want to include her in our new D&D campaign. How do I tell her? UPDATE: Me [23F] with my friend [26F] of 2.5 years, who was rude to me and my boyfriend [26M] and now I don't want to include her in our new D&D campaign. How do I tell her? Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on December 28, 2019 Rating: 5

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