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I [27M] got married to my partner [24F] last week. We got lots of gifts, cards and money and my in-laws opened cards and took money from them.

My wife is Indian and I'm white. Last Friday my wife's father hosted a party for her (I believe it's called a Jaggo), relatives of my wife who couldn't make it to our actual wedding day came to this, during this party my wife's relatives had given her some cards which contained money in.

From what my wife has told me her parents told her that they were keeping a hold of these cards so that she can collect them after the wedding was done.

The whole day was fabulous apart from some hiccups which were down to her parents, her father invited 30 more people to our ceremony to which we did not know about until it happened, we had also paid for 120 people to be fed at our reception party and he had also invited 50 more people to the party later that evening.

We had a buffet so people could pick and choose what they wanted to eat, her father had promised her that even though she did not invite these guests that they would not eat the food that was provided and go and get their own later that evening, but as soon as the buffet opened we had noticed that they had gone to get food which had left some of our intended guests a little short.

Then the next day we had gone to her parents house to collect the gifts which were left for us (had our names on and everything) to find out the cards that were held for us were opened and money removed.

She had asked her father what had happened to the money and asked him that he give her the money back, he said no, because he had paid for our wedding and that he should get some money back, despite the cards being named for us to open.

This had left my wife screaming and shouting at her parents saying you do not do this to your daughter on the week of her wedding. She has told me she doesn't want anything ever to do with them again, she doesn't want to even let them know of their grandchild when we decide to have children.

We had also received a phonecall from the venue were we held the party and who had catered it for us saying that my wife's mother had phoned them up complaining about the quality of the food and that there wasn't enough to go around, to which my wife told the manager of the venue, the food was excellent and not to listen to her mother as she seems to be finding a way to get refunded for something.

I'm torn, what can we do in this situation? I used to love my in-laws, I thought they were great people but I do not know why they are doing this to us, the potential money that was given to use could've helped us a lot.

tl;dr: Father in law paid for wedding, invited extra guests to our ceremony and party unbeknownst to me and my wife. He had also taken money from the cards that were given to us.

Submitted September 27, 2018 at 04:18PM by millymore
I [27M] got married to my partner [24F] last week. We got lots of gifts, cards and money and my in-laws opened cards and took money from them. I [27M] got married to my partner [24F] last week. We got lots of gifts, cards and money and my in-laws opened cards and took money from them. Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on September 27, 2018 Rating: 5

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