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How to deal with the “anger phase?”


I’ll keep this brief. I discovered TPR about 2 months ago. I am now in the “anger phase.” I am fed up with all this bullshit about girls. How they act and behave and all the double standards that go with girls and guys. I’m frustrated on how clueless they are sometimes.

I honestly don’t give a shit about them either now. I know they will be cunning and sneaky. It’s their nature. How they’ll hop from one guy to another. I’m going to start college in a few weeks and I can already see myself not caring about them. It’s hard to explain, but I can see myself just not caring about them in a party scenario. Like a girl comes up to me and starts talking or whatever and I’ll be standoffish and not give her much attention. It’s not from a “ha! if I do this, she’ll like me because I’m being a dick and mysterious.” standpoint. Like I genuinely don’t have the patience and mindset to chase them. I wouldn’t care if a HB6 came up to me and tried to talk to me at a party. I just wouldn’t care. I’m frustrated and confused.

If there’s any older guys out there at have been in my position, can you please help me out and guide me? I need some advice from guys who’ve gone through this.

edit: i know my views in this may not be “correct” or whatever. i don’t know if my thoughts are “normal” for the anger phase.

Submitted September 01, 2018 at 10:14PM by -saltymangos-
How to deal with the “anger phase?” How to deal with the “anger phase?” Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on September 01, 2018 Rating: 5

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