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I am suspecting an emotional affair; what do I do?

I have doubts my partner may be in an emotional affair with someone. But it may also not be true. I am not 100% sure. He seems invested into our relationship (like he’s not checked out you know), is affectionate, willing to work on stuff if need be, etc.

Not protective of his phone - leaves it in the bedroom with me when he goes to shower and sometimes even the bathroom.

But he also has been getting a liiiiiiittle too close for my taste with another woman. But I don’t have all the info.

My question is: is it better to check his phone and get the answers myself and if there is something to confront him and see if he lies (which, at that point, wouldn’t even matter lol) or should I confront him directly and trust what he says (or maybe confront directly and THEN check his phone)

I’m more enclined to check phone first because if it’s nothing I don’t want to strain the relationship by insinuating he’s cheating BUT maybe you all think otherwise!

Context of "getting too close” :

My partner doesn’t believe it’s possible for men and women to have closeness/intimacy (what friendships provide) without it turning into more (ex. Feelings) and yet

There is this woman who he works with who, on top of talking business stuff, shares personal stuff like his plans for the summer or what classes he’s taking in his free time and what for. Shared he had an exam soon. Then I stalked her FB profile and saw he reacted with the wow reaction to her profile picture. He isn’t being inappropriate like telling her sexy stuff or things like that that I know of, but he just hasn’t been this close to a client before and it makes me suspicious. Nor has he “wow-ed” a client’s picture before.

She is a client from the same country as him (and me too actually) so maybe he wants to relate to her in some way, create trust. But idk. He is in real estate by the way.

TLDR: When doubting an emotional affair, is it best to check the phone first in case they lie or just confront and trust that they’re saying the truth? My partner, working in real estate, has been friendly (more so than with other clients) with a specific woman, from the same origin as him, and even wow-reacted to her profile picture on FB (the transaction had already ended). It could have been just them getting along and talking about life, but it could also mean he has feelings IMO.

Submitted June 27, 2022 at 06:59PM by Tricky_Sun_10
I am suspecting an emotional affair; what do I do? I am suspecting an emotional affair; what do I do? Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on June 28, 2022 Rating: 5

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