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I've been ignored on and off for years.

I dont even know where to start but I'll do my best.

I am a 28f with a husband 30m and 2 children

I've been in a relationship with my husband for 10 years. We have had a bumpy ride but done our best to work it out.... or so I thought.

We had a great day out last weekend with the kids.

The next morning we had a small arguement over something stupid. He's always grumpy when he wakes up but it didn't help that he stayed up all night talking to his online friends. I had asked him to please get out of bed as it was almost 2 in the afternoon. He gave me an attitude and rolled his eyes. I guess I fucked up when I called him out on the attitude. He said "what? I can't look at you anymore?!" I walked away and started making lunch for my kids. He didn't come downstairs all day except for food. When the end of the day came, I went upstairs to check on him and asked if he be coming downstairs at all and he said "I'm just relaxing."

Since that morning, he hasn't spoken more than a few words to me, unless I had an important question to ask. He hasn't helped me with the kids at all or atleast take the dog outside once. He's been on his computer every day since then, prioritizing his friends over his family. I'm fed up. It's Father's day and my husband won't even spend time with his children. My kids do notice what's happening and it makes them very sad.

All that being said please don't comment that my husband is having an affair because I honestly don't give a fuck at this point. Since he started ignoring me. I began going on daily walks for my mental health and having more fun time with my babies so there's nothing he can do to hurt me anymore.

At this point I'm just numb to it all. It's not the first time he's decided to ignore me for weeks. I'm use to it. Only difference now is that I don't chase him around like a puppy, apologizing for whatever he thinks I did. I live my life now.

A couple weeks ago he told me that he was scared I'd leave him because he's "boring". No. He's not boring. Not sure where exactly where that came from but if anything this is worthy of a breakup. I'm not clingy by any means but your wife and children should not be at war with you for scraps of your time.

Enough said.

TLDR: husband is prioritizing his online friends over his family, he won't help out with the kids or dog, spends all day and night on his computer speaking to friends, it's Father's day and he won't even sit in the same room as his children. My kids are sad.

Submitted June 19, 2022 at 04:37PM by throwaway590024
I've been ignored on and off for years. I've been ignored on and off for years. Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on June 20, 2022 Rating: 5

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