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My [25F] boyfriend [27M] says he likes fat women, but to him fat means... Very skinny.

The first few times he called me fat and/or overweight i got offended (for reference I'm 130lbs & 5'6". Gained a little bit of weight with the pandemic but I'm still well into my healthy weight range, and I do moderate physical activity). Then I realized he talks the same way about other women and about himself and I understood it was deeper than that. He once said he's "always dated fat women" and I kid you not, the women he dated before me were literal models. I am the "fattest" woman he dated so far and I have actually felt insecure comparing myself to his exes who all had a flat stomach and a thigh gap. Once he said Doja Cat is "obese" (context was him saying how hot she is, though). But most importantly, he thinks he's fat himself. He has visible, defined muscles. When I tell him he's not even remotely fat, he pinches his skin and says "see?".

He's already in therapy for OCD, but this behavior worries me. Of course it's not pleasant to get told I'm fat even though he says it in an appreciating manner because it's so ingrained in our society that fat is bad. Also I'm starting to feel insecurities towards thinner girls and I hate it. But this is more of my problem than his, probably: still, this quirk of his is odd and I'm afraid it might hide some severe self-image issue.

What can I do or tell him to help him get more in touch with how his and other people's bodies actually look?

TL:DR; to my boyfriend, any body that isn't underweight is fat, including his. This behavior worries me.

Submitted June 23, 2022 at 03:56AM by Cheap-Set6200
My [25F] boyfriend [27M] says he likes fat women, but to him fat means... Very skinny. My [25F] boyfriend [27M] says he likes fat women, but to him fat means... Very skinny. Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on June 23, 2022 Rating: 5

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