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I [16m] wasn't invited on a trip with my friends because of something I did for them [16/17m]

So one of my friends, Luke, has a beach house and before school let out, he talked about invited all 8 of our friend group down one week this summer to go stay there. Yesterday morning, I was surprised to see a few of my friends posting pictures on social media at the beach house. To be honest I was kind of hurt because nobody told me about it or even mentioned it and we had all hung out a couple ago. I texted my best friend John who was there if he knew why I wasn't invited and he told me the following.

Luke was calling everyone last week to invite us, and he called another friend Chris before me. When Chris asked his parents if he could go, they said he could only go if I'm not there. When asked why, they said that I was a bad influence and they didn't want Chris around me far away when we would be largely unsupervised. The reason they think this is because we all got caught smoking weed at a camp-out a few months ago and I took the fall because I was caught with it on me and there was no point in dragging everyone else in. The cop didn't arrest me or anything but they called all our parents and kicked us out of the campground. I guess Chris told his parents the same thing even though I was just saying it then because I thought we could get in legal trouble.

So now Luke was put on the spot and had to either say, "Ok, I won't invite OP" or uninvite Chris. I think the right thing to do would be to tell Chris he can't dictate who he invites, but Luke doesn't like confrontation so I think he thought it was easier to just agree and not tell me about the trip.

John told me he was sorry and that he didn't know any of this until a couple days ago right before we all hung out and he didn't know how to tell me. He said he really didn't realize how fucked up it was until they all got there and it kind of sank in that I really wasn't there. He offered to come home and hang out with me for the week, but I told him it wasn't his fault and he should enjoy himself and I was fine.

I don't know where to go from here though. I don't want to just pretend that everything is cool when they get back because I think it's really messed up to exclude me from this because of something I did for them. I'm tempted to blow the whole thing up and send Chris's parents a screenshot of texts between me thanking me for taking the fall that night, but I'm not that petty and I want to get past that incident anyway and don't want it brought up again. But I also don't want to be excluded from things from now on either. What is the best way to go forward?

tl;dr: Friends all went on vacation without me because I'm apparently a bad influence even though I was covering for them.

Submitted June 18, 2022 at 10:18PM by WrongDrag2985
I [16m] wasn't invited on a trip with my friends because of something I did for them [16/17m] I [16m] wasn't invited on a trip with my friends because of something I did for them [16/17m] Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on June 19, 2022 Rating: 5

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