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Slept with friend now I'm being ignored and Idk how to not feel so horrible

I would like to start off by saying I had been celibate for 4 years before this happened after a very messy break up from an extremely abusive relationship. I met said guy through a mutual friend who is a very good friend of both of ours. It did not start off as matchmaking or anything. His car had broken down and he was stranded while I was hanging out with my friend who asked if we could give him a ride.

He seemed really nice and funny. We joked around a lot. We started all three hanging out and doing more things together. He got my number from our friend and started sending really flirty and sweet messages. I started to let my guard down and he was aware of the situation I had been in as my friend had told him.

He would call or text me a lot and was always sweet and made me feel good about myself. Saturday he had just gotten a new place and asked if I wanted to come over for a while. I went and after a few hours of talking and laughing he kissed me and then we ended up having sex. He was saying really romantic things. I don't want to say I fell in love with him or anything but I did develop some more intense feelings. I realize this is partly because I had been celibate for so long and intimacy is a big thing for me. When I left he walked me to my car and kissed me again. Texted me to make sure I made it home safely and say goodnight.

I did not hear from him the next day. I ran into him by accident the day after with our other friend. I did not mention anything about this to our mutual friend. He not only wouldn't look at me but was extremely cold. I was trying to be optimistic thinking he may be having a bad day. I wasn't trying to force anyone into a relationship and I know I didn't give off clingy vibes, mainly because I'm too afraid to. Hours later he sends me a text that is confusing stating that I'm amazing and he doesn't want me to feel like he was using me, that I'm lovely and delicate and have a big heart that he respects and cares for. Wishes me a good night.

He has not said a word to me since. I have seen him twice and he completely ignores me. I'm really hurt and I don't understand. Our mutual friend today told me that I came up in conversation and he asked the guy if he had heard from me and he said "she's probably mad at me." Gave no further detail.

I am mad. I'm pissed off. I feel used after swearing I'd never let anyone treat me badly again. I didn't anticipate sleeping with him. I understand if someone doesn't want to be in a relationship but I never asked for one. It's so disrespectful. Why do people do this? How hard is it to make a call or write out a freaking I'm sorry I'm not interested text?

I feel like something is wrong with me. Self esteem crushed again.

Tl;dr I was led on by the sweet words of someone after being off the dating scene for years, slept with him and after seeing him in person twice with a mutual friend he doesn't want to speak with me or even look at me. I understand he got what he wanted and that's it. How do I not hurt so badly? I feel like something is wrong with me and I'm just unlovable.

Submitted June 30, 2022 at 01:45AM by FashyQueen
Slept with friend now I'm being ignored and Idk how to not feel so horrible Slept with friend now I'm being ignored and Idk how to not feel so horrible Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on June 30, 2022 Rating: 5

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