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My GF (32F) keeps citing her age as an excuse for why we don't go out, have sex more often, etc. I (30M) don't have that same lack of energy, and don't know how to address it in a non-confrontational way.

My relationship just passed the one year mark, and I recently noticed a slowdown. We went from having fairly regular sex, to maybe once a fortnight. When I've asked about it she tells me "you should have dated a 20 year old..." It extends to other parts of our lives as well. For example, another couple invited us out for a quiz evening on a week night and she said "that's not what 30s people do..." despite them being older. We also used to exercise together, cycle, we spend most of our evenings inside watching Netflix.

I personally don't see myself changing my habits this much in the next two years. I feel it's partly her unhealthy lifestyle; she's a heavy smoker, and recently stopped exercising, plus around this time last year got a desk job for the first time. She had a fairly rock-and-roll lifestyle in her twenties so I can understand wanting to take it slow and have a normal life now, but I know I will get more frustrated if this is how things go on.

Happy to be told I'm being insensitive or that I'm asking too much of her, but is this really a typical attitude for someone in their early thirties? How should I address this without making her feel judged?

TL;DR - Social and sex life in my relationship has gone way down, and my girlfriend keeps referencing her age as why - despite us being very active until a few months ago.

Submitted December 01, 2021 at 05:45AM by DasMaxibon
My GF (32F) keeps citing her age as an excuse for why we don't go out, have sex more often, etc. I (30M) don't have that same lack of energy, and don't know how to address it in a non-confrontational way. My GF (32F) keeps citing her age as an excuse for why we don't go out, have sex more often, etc. I (30M) don't have that same lack of energy, and don't know how to address it in a non-confrontational way. Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on December 01, 2021 Rating: 5

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