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My fiancé (25M) and I (25F) loaned fiancé’s best friend (25M) $2k. Now his wife (25F) keeps buying unnecessary things and posting about it on social media.

My fiancé’s best friend has been in a tough financial situation for a while now. He made some mistakes and had some bad luck and ended up in a lot of debt. He and his wife also have a toddler so that’s another added expense. We know he is working hard to get out of it but a few months ago he told my fiancé how he wasn’t sure he would be able to pay rent for the month and he couldn’t afford diapers for his baby. My fiancé wanted to loan them $2k to get them by. I think loaning friends money, especially that much is never a good idea but of course I wanted to help out and I didn’t want them to go without basic needs. His friend said he would pay us back but we didn’t really expect to get paid back and we wouldn’t be upset if he didn’t. We have no kids and we are in a pretty good financial situation. (But we are in this situation because we follow strict budgets and don’t over spend).

Now what’s annoying me is that the friends wife keeps posting on social media about all the luxurious things she buys. I’m the type of person to mind my own business and I don’t ever care what other people do, but it kind of bothers me that her husband said they couldn’t afford diapers and she’s buying things like laser hair removal products, coffee makers, Nintendo switch, expensive hair products etc. I know she’s probably buying all of these things on a credit card and they probably can’t actually afford it, but shouldn’t she be working towards saving for necessities?! That’s why we sent them that money in the first place, because they couldn’t afford basic needs. She also eats out all the time which my fiancé and I only do once a month to save money. I know this sounds petty but it’s really bothering me. I’m not sure if she even knows we loaned the money, but how can she not know? Did she not notice $2k show up in their bank account?

I don’t know what to do because fiancé’s friend is actually working really hard to get them in a better place. He’s not the problem, she is. My fiancé offered to talk to his friend but I don’t want them to have tension and I don’t want the friend to feel guilty. This is also especially bothering me right now because I had a car accident and have to pay $6k in repairs. I can afford it, but still… why am I loaning money to this girl so she can get manicures and laser hair removal? Fiancé’s friend also recently found out that she has a tinder account and was trying to go on dates with other guys, but that’s a whole other story.

Should I say something to her? Should my fiancé say something to his friend? Or should we just let it go? It’s not even about getting the money back, it’s just the fact that she is buying all these things that fiancé and I limit for ourselves so we can save money, yet we are loaning them money?? Please tell me what to do

Submitted December 04, 2021 at 12:21AM by jem1107
My fiancé (25M) and I (25F) loaned fiancé’s best friend (25M) $2k. Now his wife (25F) keeps buying unnecessary things and posting about it on social media. My fiancé (25M) and I (25F) loaned fiancé’s best friend (25M) $2k. Now his wife (25F) keeps buying unnecessary things and posting about it on social media. Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on December 04, 2021 Rating: 5

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