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My [25M] girlfriend [23M] is always sick, injured, or otherwise feeling down

We’ve been together for about 2 years now, and we live together. She’s a great person and I love her, but there’s this trend I’ve noticed throughout our relationship (especially over the last year or so) where she’s seemingly always sick, injured, getting migraines, or otherwise feeling down. I feel bad for her that she’s always feeling sickly but it’s exhausting to always be the one taking care of her and always doing all the chores around the house.

This year, she’s had a couple concussions (from just hitting her head on things around the house accidentally), a sprained shoulder, several week-long illnesses, occasional migraines, and some bad periods of depression. I’m just tired of feeling like a stay-at-home caretaker and waiting on her hand and foot while she complains all day about how bad she feels. Not to mention the fact that she’s missed a lot of work due to this and sometimes has trouble keeping up with her end of the bills. I have no problems ordinarily with taking care of a sick loved one but it’s getting to the point where I wonder if the rest of my life is going to be like this if we get married? If this is us in our 20s what is it going to be like in our 50s? I love her but I don’t want to spend my life taking care of someone all the time, especially when I’ve got my own issues to deal with too.

We’ve been together for a while so I think I really need to ask myself where I see things going. I think she’s ready for marriage but I know that I’m not. I’m just so exhausted and I don’t know what to even do in this situation… it’s not like I can really do anything to help her health issues. I feel like a bad person for even thinking all of this, since it’s not like I can say “hey I want you to stop being sick because I’m sick of taking care of you”. Any words of advice from people who have similar situations?

TL;DR: girlfriend of two years is sick or injured on a regular basis and I’m getting tired of always taking care of her and listening to her complain, and I’m wondering what it means for our relationship

(Sorry for the repost, had to fix my post)

Edit: removed a duplicate sentence at the top

Submitted December 01, 2021 at 06:34PM by nervous__chemist
My [25M] girlfriend [23M] is always sick, injured, or otherwise feeling down My [25M] girlfriend [23M] is always sick, injured, or otherwise feeling down Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on December 02, 2021 Rating: 5

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